ocl-convolution 0.3.0

OpenCL-accelerated 2D convolutions
#define LAYOUT_NCHW 0
#define LAYOUT_NHWC 1
#define MAX_POINT ((uint2)(-1, -1))
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0

/// Maps the output coordinate to an input one.
uint2 map_to_input(
    uint2 output_pt,
    uint2 offsets,
    uint2 strides,
    uint2 dilation,
    uint4 pads,
    uint2 signal_dims
) {
    uint2 without_pads = output_pt * strides + offsets * dilation;

    if ((without_pads.x < pads.x) || (without_pads.y < pads.y)) {
        return MAX_POINT;

    uint2 input_pt = without_pads - pads.xy;
    if ((input_pt.x >= signal_dims.x) || (input_pt.y >= signal_dims.y)) {
        return MAX_POINT;

    return input_pt;

#if KERNEL_TYPE == 32
typedef float Elem;
typedef float Acc;
#elif KERNEL_TYPE == 8
typedef char Elem;
typedef int Acc;

struct __attribute__((packed)) Params {
    uint2 strides;
    uint4 pads;
    uint groups;
    uint2 dilation;
#if KERNEL_TYPE == 8
    int bit_shift;
    int scale;
    int output_bias;
    int signal_bias;
    int filter_bias;

struct __attribute__((packed)) OutputParams {
    uint batch_size;
    uchar layout;

#if KERNEL_TYPE == 8
// Round to nearest, ties to even integer bit shift to the right.
int rounded_rshift(int number, int bit_shift) {
    int mask = (1 << bit_shift) - 1;
    int threshold = 1 << (bit_shift - 1);
    int lower_bits = number & mask;
    int result = number >> bit_shift;
    // We assume `lower_bits >= 0`.

    if ((lower_bits > threshold) || ((lower_bits == threshold) && ((result & 1) == 1))) {
        result += 1;
    return result;

void add_channels(
    Acc *sum,
    const __constant Elem *signal_channels,
    const __constant Elem *filter_channels,
    size_t channels_per_group,
    const Acc biases[2]
) {
#if KERNEL_TYPE == 32
    // Use vectorized multiply-adds: first 16-element ones, then 4-element ones,
    // and finally scalars.
    size_t i = 0;
    float16 sum_v = (float16) 0.0;
    for (; i + 16 <= channels_per_group; i += 16) {
        float16 signal_v = vload16(i >> 4, signal_channels);
        float16 filter_v = vload16(i >> 4, filter_channels);
        sum_v = fma(signal_v, filter_v, sum_v);
    *sum += dot((float4) 1.0, sum_v.lo.lo + sum_v.lo.hi + sum_v.hi.lo + sum_v.hi.hi);

    for (; i + 4 <= channels_per_group; i += 4) {
        *sum += dot(vload4(i >> 2, signal_channels), vload4(i >> 2, filter_channels));
    for (; i < channels_per_group; i++) {
        *sum = fma(signal_channels[i], filter_channels[i], *sum);
#elif KERNEL_TYPE == 8
    int16 sum_v = (int16) 0;
    size_t i = 0;
    for (; i + 16 <= channels_per_group; i += 16) {
        char16 signal_lane = vload16(i >> 4, signal_channels);
        char16 filter_lane = vload16(i >> 4, filter_channels);
        int16 signal_val = convert_int16(signal_lane) + biases[0];
        int16 filter_val = convert_int16(filter_lane) + biases[1];
        sum_v = mad24(signal_val, filter_val, sum_v);
    int4 reduced_sum_v = sum_v.lo.lo + sum_v.lo.hi + sum_v.hi.lo + sum_v.hi.hi;
    *sum += reduced_sum_v.x + reduced_sum_v.y + reduced_sum_v.z + reduced_sum_v.w;

    for (; i < channels_per_group; i++) {
        *sum = mad24(
            signal_channels[i] + biases[0],
            filter_channels[i] + biases[1],

/// Computes convolution of two tensors.
/// - `signal` must have `NxHxWxC` layout (i.e., the channel dimension is the inner-most one).
/// - `filters` must have `MxK_HxK_WxC` layout, where `M` is the number of filters,
///   `K_H` and `K_W` are spatial dimensions of a filter, `C` is the number of input channels.
/// The output will have layout `MxH'xW'` or `H'xW'xM`, depending on the `convolved_layout`
/// param.
/// The kernel should be launched with `[H' * N, W', C]` workgroups,
/// where `N` is the batch size.
__kernel void conv(
    __global Elem *output,
    struct OutputParams out_params,
    const __constant Elem *signal,
    uint3 signal_dims,
    const __constant Elem *filters,
    const __constant Acc *filter_biases,
    struct Params params
) {
    size_t output_h = get_num_groups(0) * get_local_size(0) / out_params.batch_size;
    size_t output_w = get_num_groups(1) * get_local_size(1);
    size_t output_ch = get_num_groups(2) * get_local_size(2);

    size_t batch_idx = get_global_id(0) / output_h;
    size_t x = get_global_id(0) % output_h;
    size_t y = get_global_id(1);
    size_t filter = get_global_id(2);
    size_t channels_per_group = signal_dims.z / params.groups;
    size_t group = filter * params.groups / output_ch;

    Acc sum = 0;
#if KERNEL_TYPE == 32
    Acc biases[2] = { 0.0, 0.0 };
#elif KERNEL_TYPE == 8
    Acc biases[2] = { params.signal_bias, params.filter_bias };

    for (uint o_x = 0; o_x < FILTER_SIZE; o_x++) {
        for (uint o_y = 0; o_y < FILTER_SIZE; o_y++) {
            uint2 input_pt = map_to_input(
                (uint2)(x, y),
                (uint2)(o_x, o_y),

            if ((input_pt.x != -1) || (input_pt.y != -1)) {
                size_t signal_offset =
                    batch_idx * signal_dims.x * signal_dims.y * signal_dims.z +
                    input_pt.x * signal_dims.y * signal_dims.z +
                    input_pt.y * signal_dims.z +
                    channels_per_group * group;
                size_t filter_offset =
                    filter * FILTER_SIZE * FILTER_SIZE * channels_per_group +
                    o_x * FILTER_SIZE * channels_per_group +
                    o_y * channels_per_group;


#if KERNEL_TYPE == 32
    if (filter_biases != NULL) {
        sum += filter_biases[filter];
    float converted_sum = sum;
#elif KERNEL_TYPE == 8
    sum *= params.scale;
    if (filter_biases != NULL) {
        sum += filter_biases[filter];
    sum = rounded_rshift(sum, params.bit_shift) + params.output_bias;
    char converted_sum = convert_char_sat(sum);

    size_t out_offset = output_h * output_w * output_ch * batch_idx;
    switch (out_params.layout) {
        case LAYOUT_NCHW:
            out_offset += filter * output_h * output_w +
                x * output_w +
        case LAYOUT_NHWC:
            out_offset += x * output_w * output_ch +
                y * output_ch +
    output[out_offset] = converted_sum;