ockam_transport_websocket 0.36.0

WebSocket Transport for the Ockam Routing Protocol.


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Ockam is a library for building devices that communicate securely, privately and trustfully with cloud services and other devices.

This crate provides a WebSocket Transport for Ockam's Routing Protocol.

The Routing Protocol decouples Ockam's suite of cryptographic protocols, like secure channels, key lifecycle, credential exchange, enrollment etc. from the underlying transport protocols. This allows applications to establish end-to-end trust between entities.

WebSocket is one possible transport for Routing Protocol messages, over time there will be more transport implementations.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

ockam_transport_websocket = "0.36.0"

This crate requires the rust standard library "std".


This code is licensed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0.