ockam_node_test_attribute 0.5.0

Ockam node attribute proc_macros.
use proc_macro::TokenStream;

use proc_macro2::{Ident, Span};
use quote::{quote, quote_spanned, ToTokens};
use syn::{parse2, AttributeArgs, Error, ItemFn, ReturnType};

use crate::args;
use crate::args::{Args, TestArgs};
use crate::hygiene::{self, NodeCtx, NodeReturn};

pub(crate) fn node(input: ItemFn, args: AttributeArgs) -> Result<TokenStream, Error> {
    let (input, ret, ctx) = hygiene::node(input)?;
    let args = args::node(args)?;
    output_node(input, args, ret, ctx)

fn output_node(
    input: ItemFn,
    _args: Args,
    ret: NodeReturn,
    ctx: NodeCtx,
) -> Result<TokenStream, Error> {
    let body = &input.block;
    let ret_type = ret.ty;
    let ctx_ident = &ctx.pat.ident;
    let ctx_path = &ctx.path;
    let ctx_mut = &ctx.mutability;

    // Handles error if inner function returns Result, unwraps it otherwise.
    let err_handling = if ret_type == ReturnType::Default {
        quote! {.unwrap();}
    } else {
        quote! {?}

    // Assumes the target platform knows about main() functions
    #[cfg(not(feature = "no_main"))]
    let output = quote! {
        fn main() #ret_type {
            let (#ctx_mut #ctx_ident, mut executor) = ockam::start_node() as (#ctx_path, ockam::Executor);
            executor.execute(async move #body)#err_handling
    // Assumes you will be defining the ockam node inside your own entry point
    #[cfg(feature = "no_main")]
    let output = quote! {
        fn ockam_async_main() #ret_type {
            let (#ctx_mut #ctx_ident, mut executor) = ockam_node::start_node() as (#ctx_path, ockam::Executor);
            executor.execute(async move #body)#err_handling
        // TODO: safe way to print the error before panicking?

pub(crate) fn node_test(input: ItemFn, args: AttributeArgs) -> Result<TokenStream, Error> {
    let test_input = {
        let mut test_input = input.clone();
        let inner_ident = test_input.sig.ident;
        test_input.sig.ident = Ident::new(&format!("_{}", &inner_ident), inner_ident.span());
    let (input, ret, ctx) = hygiene::node_test(input)?;
    let args = args::node_test(args)?;
    let last_stmt_end_span = {
        let mut last_stmt = input
        // `Span` on stable Rust has a limitation that only points to the first
        // token, not the whole tokens. We can work around this limitation by
        // using the first/last span of the tokens like
        // `Error::new_spanned` does.
        let start = last_stmt.next().map_or_else(Span::call_site, |t| t.span());
        last_stmt.last().map_or(start, |t| t.span())
    output_node_test(input, test_input, args, last_stmt_end_span, ret, ctx)

fn output_node_test(
    mut input: ItemFn,
    test_input: ItemFn,
    args: TestArgs,
    last_stmt_end_span: Span,
    _ret: NodeReturn,
    ctx: NodeCtx,
) -> Result<TokenStream, Error> {
    let ctx_ident = &ctx.pat;
    let ctx_stop_stmt = quote! { let _ = #ctx_ident.stop().await; };
    let test_input_ident = &test_input.sig.ident;
    let timeout_ms = args.timeout_ms;
    input.block = parse2(quote_spanned! {last_stmt_end_span=>
            use core::time::Duration;
            use ockam_node::tokio::time::timeout;

            let (mut #ctx_ident, mut executor) = ockam_node::start_node();
                .execute(async move {
                    match timeout(Duration::from_millis(#timeout_ms as u64), #test_input_ident(&mut #ctx_ident)).await.expect("Failed to run timeout") {
                        Err(err) => {
                        Ok(_) => Ok(()),
                .expect("Executor should not fail")
                .expect("Test function should not fail");
    .expect("Parsing failure");
    let output = quote! {