ockam_node 0.76.0

Ockam Node implementation crate
use crate::Context;
use core::fmt::Display;
use minicbor::Encode;
use ockam_core::api::{assert_request_match, RequestBuilder};
use ockam_core::compat::sync::Arc;
use ockam_core::compat::vec::Vec;
use ockam_core::{
    Address, AllowAll, AllowOnwardAddress, LocalInfo, Mailbox, Mailboxes, Result, Route,

/// Encode request header and body (if any), send the package to the server and returns its response.
pub async fn request<T, R>(
    ctx: &Context,
    label: &str,
    struct_name: impl Into<Option<&str>>,
    route: R,
    req: RequestBuilder<'_, T>,
) -> Result<Vec<u8>>
    T: Encode<()>,
    R: Into<Route> + Display,
    let mut buf = Vec::new();
    req.encode(&mut buf)?;
    assert_request_match(struct_name, &buf);
    trace! {
        target:  "ockam_api",
        id     = %req.header().id(),
        method = ?req.header().method(),
        path   = %req.header().path(),
        body   = %req.header().has_body(),
        "-> {label}"
    // TODO: Check IdentityId is the same we sent message to?
    // TODO: Check response id matches request id?
    let vec: Vec<u8> = ctx.send_and_receive(route, buf).await?;

/// Encode request header and body (if any), send the package to the server and returns its response.
pub async fn request_with_local_info<T, R>(
    ctx: &Context,
    label: &str,
    struct_name: impl Into<Option<&str>>,
    route: R,
    req: RequestBuilder<'_, T>,
) -> Result<(Vec<u8>, Vec<LocalInfo>)>
    T: Encode<()>,
    R: Into<Route> + Display,
    let route = route.into();
    let mut buf = Vec::new();
    req.encode(&mut buf)?;
    assert_request_match(struct_name, &buf);
    trace! {
        target:  "ockam_api",
        id     = %req.header().id(),
        method = ?req.header().method(),
        path   = %req.header().path(),
        body   = %req.header().has_body(),
        "-> {label}"

    // TODO: Check IdentityId is the same we sent message to?
    // TODO: Check response id matches request id?
    let next = route.next()?.clone();
    let mailboxes = Mailboxes::new(
            Arc::new(AllowAll), // FIXME: @ac there is no way to ensure that we're receiving response from the worker we sent request to
    let mut child_ctx = ctx.new_detached_with_mailboxes(mailboxes).await?;
    child_ctx.send(route, buf).await?;
    let resp = child_ctx.receive::<Vec<u8>>().await?.take();
    let local_info = resp.local_message().local_info().to_vec();
    let body = resp.body();

    Ok((body, local_info))