pub trait Protocol<'a>: Sized {
    const CODE: Code;
    const PREFIX: &'static str;

    fn read_str(input: Checked<&'a str>) -> Result<Self, Error>;
    fn write_str(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error>;
    fn read_bytes(input: Checked<&'a [u8]>) -> Result<Self, Error>;
    fn write_bytes(&self, buf: &mut dyn Buffer);
Expand description

Component of a MultiAddr.

A protocol supports a textual and a binary representation.

Protocol <- Text / Binary
Text     <- '/' Prefix '/' Char+
Prefix   <- Char+
Binary   <- Code Byte+
Code     <- UnsignedVarint

To process a protocol, one needs to know the code and prefix as they determine the protocol value.

NB: Protocol values which contain ’/’s create ambiguity in the textual representation. These so called “path protocols” must be the last protocol component in a multi-address.

Required Associated Constants

Registered protocol code.

Registered protocol prefix.

Required Methods

Parse the string value of this protocol.

Write the protocol as a string, including the prefix.

Decode the binary value of this protocol.

Write the protocol as a binary value, including the code.
