ockam 0.4.0

Ockam is a library for building devices that communicate securely, privately and trustfully with cloud services and other devices.


crate docs license discuss

Ockam is a library for building devices that communicate securely, privately and trustfully with cloud services and other devices.

This crate provides all dependencies needed to use Ockam in your application.

Types from other Ockam crates are re-exported by this crate.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

ockam = "0.4.0"

Crate Features

The ockam crate has a Cargo feature named "std" that is enabled by default. In order to use this crate in a no_std context this feature can disabled as follows

ockam = { version = "0.4.0", default-features = false }

Please note that Cargo features are unioned across the entire dependency graph of a project. If any other crate you depend on has not opted out of ockam default features, Cargo will build ockam with the std feature enabled whether or not your direct dependency on ockam has default-features = false.


This code is licensed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0.