ocaml-sys 0.12.0

Low-level OCaml bindings for Rust

pub type Char = cty::c_char;

/// Registers OCaml parameters with the GC
macro_rules! caml_param {
    ($($n:expr),*) => {
        let mut caml_roots = $crate::CamlRootsBlock::default();

        let mut n = 0;
            if n == 5 {
                n = 0;

            if n == 0 {
                caml_roots = $crate::CamlRootsBlock::default();
                unsafe {
                    caml_roots.next = $crate::local_roots();
                    $crate::set_local_roots(&mut caml_roots);
                caml_roots.nitems = 1;

            caml_roots.tables[n] = &$n as *const _ as *mut _;

            n += 1;
            caml_roots.ntables = n;

/// Initializes and registers the given identifier(s) as a local value with the OCaml runtime.
/// ## Original C code
/// ```c
/// #define CAMLlocal1(x) \
/// value x = Val_unit; \
/// CAMLxparam1 (x)
/// ```
macro_rules! caml_local {
    ($($local:ident),*) => {
        $(let mut $local = $crate::UNIT;)*

macro_rules! caml_body {
    ($(($($param:expr),*))? $code:block) => {
            let caml_frame = unsafe { $crate::local_roots() };
            let mut res = || $code;
            let res = res();
            unsafe { $crate::set_local_roots(caml_frame) };

#[cfg(not(feature = "docs-rs"))]
pub const VERSION: &str = include_str!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/ocaml_version"));

#[cfg(feature = "docs-rs")]
/// OCaml version (4.10.0, 4.09.1, ...)
pub const VERSION: &str = "";

#[cfg(not(feature = "docs-rs"))]
pub const PATH: &str = include_str!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/ocaml_path"));

#[cfg(feature = "docs-rs")]
/// Path to OCaml libraries
pub const PATH: &str = "";

#[cfg(not(feature = "docs-rs"))]
pub const COMPILER: &str = include_str!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/ocaml_compiler"));

#[cfg(feature = "docs-rs")]
/// Path to OCaml compiler
pub const COMPILER: &str = "";

mod mlvalues;
mod memory;
mod alloc;
pub mod bigarray;
mod callback;
mod custom;
mod fail;
mod runtime;
mod state;
mod tag;

pub use self::mlvalues::Value;
pub use self::tag::Tag;
pub use alloc::*;
pub use callback::*;
pub use custom::*;
pub use fail::*;
pub use memory::*;
pub use mlvalues::*;
pub use runtime::*;
pub use state::*;
pub use tag::*;