obofoundry 0.1.2

Structures to deserialize OBO Foundry listings into.


Structures to deserialize OBO Foundry listings into.

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Add the obofoundry crate to the Cargo.toml manifest, as well as either serde_yaml or serde_json:

obofoundry = "0.1"
serde_yaml = "0.8"

Then use the serde framework to load the listings:

extern crate obofoundry;
extern crate serde_yaml;

let yaml_data = include_str!("...");
let foundry: obofoundry::Foundry = serde_yaml::from_str(&yml).unwrap();

It's also possible to use an HTTP library to load the listings from the OBO Foundry website directly, for instance using reqwest:

extern crate obofoundry;
extern crate reqwest;
extern crate serde_yaml;

let url = "http://www.obofoundry.org/registry/ontologies.yml";

let mut res = reqwest::get(url).unwrap();
let mut yml = String::new();
res.read_to_string(&mut yml);

let foundry: obofoundry::Foundry = serde_yaml::from_str(&yml).unwrap();


See the online documentation at docs.rs for more examples.


This project adheres to Semantic Versioning and provides a changelog in the Keep a Changelog format.