obliviate 0.1.1

Small utility to delete files older than a certain amount of days.
# Obliviate

Small utility to delete files older than a certain amount of days.

Works in its basic functionalities, however error handling is not perfect.

## Usage

Obliviate 0.1.0
Paolo Marino
Simple utility that removes file older than a cerain amount of days.

    obliviate [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <PATH>

    -d, --dry-run    When provided no files are deleted.
    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information
    -v               Sets the level of verbosity

    -a, --age <AGE>    Number of days the file should be old to be removed. [default: 30]

    <PATH>    Path where to look for file to delete