objc2-foundation 0.2.0-alpha.6

Bindings to the Objective-C Cocoa Foundation framework
//! # Bindings to the Objective-C Cocoa `Foundation` framework
//! The [`std`] equivalent for Objective-C, containing essential data types,
//! collections, and operating-system services.
//! See [Apple's documentation](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation?language=objc).
//! **NOTICE: This library is very much in progress, consider using the more
//! battle-tested [`cocoa-foundation`] crate in the meantime.**
//! [`cocoa-foundation`]: https://crates.io/crates/cocoa-foundation
//! ## Philosophy
//! The `Foundation` framework is _huge_! If we aspired to map every API it
//! exposes (a lot of it is just helper methods to make Objective-C more
//! ergonomic), this library would never be finished. Instead, our focus lies
//! on conversion methods, to allow easily using them from Rust.
//! If you find some API that an object doesn't expose (but should), we gladly
//! accept [pull requests]. Anyhow, if it is something that is out of scope,
//! these objects implement the [`objc2::Message`] trait, so you can always
//! just manually implement call a method using the [`objc2::msg_send!`]
//! macro.
//! [pull requests]: https://github.com/madsmtm/objc2/pulls

// TODO: #![warn(missing_docs)]
#![allow(clippy::missing_safety_doc)] // TODO: Remove this
// Update in Cargo.toml as well.
#![doc(html_root_url = "https://docs.rs/objc2-foundation/0.2.0-alpha.6")]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "unstable-docsrs", feature(doc_auto_cfg))]

extern crate alloc;
extern crate std;

#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
compile_error!("The `std` feature currently must be enabled.");

#[doc = include_str!("../README.md")]
extern "C" {}

pub use self::array::{NSArray, NSMutableArray};
pub use self::attributed_string::{NSAttributedString, NSAttributedStringKey};
pub use self::comparison_result::NSComparisonResult;
pub use self::copying::{NSCopying, NSMutableCopying};
pub use self::data::{NSData, NSMutableData};
pub use self::dictionary::NSDictionary;
pub use self::enumerator::{NSEnumerator, NSFastEnumeration, NSFastEnumerator};
pub use self::exception::NSException;
pub use self::geometry::{CGFloat, NSPoint, NSRect, NSSize};
pub use self::mutable_attributed_string::NSMutableAttributedString;
pub use self::mutable_string::NSMutableString;
pub use self::object::NSObject;
pub use self::process_info::NSProcessInfo;
pub use self::range::NSRange;
pub use self::string::NSString;
pub use self::thread::{is_main_thread, is_multi_threaded, MainThreadMarker, NSThread};
pub use self::uuid::NSUUID;
pub use self::value::NSValue;
pub use self::zone::NSZone;

// Available under Foundation, so makes sense here as well:
// https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/numbers_data_and_basic_values?language=objc
pub use objc2::ffi::{NSInteger, NSUInteger};

// For macros
pub use core as __core;
pub extern crate std as __std;

// Expose the version of objc2 that this crate uses
pub use objc2;

#[cfg(feature = "apple")]
#[link(name = "Foundation", kind = "framework")]
extern "C" {}

#[cfg(feature = "gnustep-1-7")]
#[link(name = "gnustep-base", kind = "dylib")]
extern "C" {}

mod macros;
mod declare_macro;

mod array;
mod attributed_string;
mod comparison_result;
mod copying;
mod data;
mod dictionary;
mod enumerator;
mod exception;
mod geometry;
mod mutable_attributed_string;
mod mutable_string;
mod object;
mod process_info;
mod range;
mod string;
mod thread;
mod uuid;
mod value;
mod zone;