objc2-foundation 0.2.0-alpha.6

Bindings to the Objective-C Cocoa Foundation framework
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::sync::Once;

use objc2::declare::ClassBuilder;
use objc2::rc::{Id, Owned, Shared};
use objc2::runtime::{Class, Object, Sel};
use objc2::{msg_send, msg_send_id, sel};
use objc2::{Encoding, Message, RefEncode};
use objc2_foundation::NSObject;

pub struct MyObject<'a> {
    inner: Object,
    // `init` defaults ivars to all zeroes, so allow for that here
    // TODO: Verify this claim!
    p: PhantomData<Option<&'a mut u8>>,

unsafe impl RefEncode for MyObject<'_> {
    const ENCODING_REF: Encoding<'static> = Object::ENCODING_REF;

unsafe impl Message for MyObject<'_> {}

static MYOBJECT_REGISTER_CLASS: Once = Once::new();

impl<'a> MyObject<'a> {
    fn new(number_ptr: &'a mut u8) -> Id<Self, Owned> {
        unsafe {
            let obj = msg_send_id![Self::class(), alloc];
            msg_send_id![obj, initWithPtr: number_ptr].unwrap()

    fn get(&self) -> Option<&'a u8> {
        unsafe { *self.inner.ivar::<Option<&'a u8>>("_number_ptr") }

    fn write(&mut self, number: u8) {
        let ptr = unsafe { self.inner.ivar_mut::<Option<&'a mut u8>>("_number_ptr") };
        if let Some(ptr) = ptr {
            **ptr = number;

    fn class() -> &'static Class {
        MYOBJECT_REGISTER_CLASS.call_once(|| {
            let superclass = NSObject::class();
            let mut builder = ClassBuilder::new("MyObject", superclass).unwrap();
            builder.add_ivar::<Option<&mut u8>>("_number_ptr");

            unsafe extern "C" fn init_with_ptr(
                this: *mut Object,
                _cmd: Sel,
                ptr: *mut u8,
            ) -> *mut Object {
                let this: *mut Object = unsafe { msg_send![super(this, NSObject::class()), init] };
                if let Some(this) = unsafe { this.as_mut() } {
                    unsafe { this.set_ivar::<*mut u8>("_number_ptr", ptr) };

            unsafe {
                let init_with_ptr: unsafe extern "C" fn(_, _, _) -> _ = init_with_ptr;
                builder.add_method(sel!(initWithPtr:), init_with_ptr);



fn main() {
    let mut number = 54;
    let mut obj = MyObject::new(&mut number);

    println!("Number: {}", obj.get().unwrap());

    // Won't compile, since `obj` holds a mutable reference to number
    // println!("Number: {}", number);
    println!("Number: {}", obj.get().unwrap());

    let obj: Id<_, Shared> = obj.into();
    let obj2 = obj.clone();

    println!("Number: {}", obj.get().unwrap());
    println!("Number: {}", obj2.get().unwrap());

    println!("Number: {}", number);