objc 0.2.5

Objective-C Runtime bindings and wrapper for Rust.
## 0.2.5

### Added

* `autoreleasepool` returns the value returned by its body closure.

## 0.2.4

### Added

* Added an `rc` module with reference counting utilities:
  `StrongPtr`, `WeakPtr`, and `autoreleasepool`.

* Added some reference counting ABI foreign functions to the `runtime` module.

### Fixed

* Messaging nil under GNUstep now correctly returns zeroed results for all
  return types.

## 0.2.3

### Added

* Added a `class!` macro for getting statically-known classes. The result is
  non-optional (avoiding a need to unwrap) and cached so each usage will only
  look up the class once.

* Added caching to the `sel!` macro so that each usage will only register the
  selector once.

### Fixed

* Fixed the implementation of `objc::runtime` structs so there can't be unsound
  references to uninhabited types.

## 0.2.2

### Added

* Implemented `Sync` and `Send` for `Sel`.

## 0.2.1

### Added

* Added support for working with protocols with the `Protocol` struct.
  The protocols a class conforms to can be examined with the new
  `Class::adopted_protocols` and `Class::conforms_to` methods.

* Protocols can be declared using the new `ProtocolDecl` struct.

## 0.2.0

### Added

* Added verification for the types used when sending messages.
  This can be enabled for all messages with the `"verify_message"` feature,
  or you can test before sending specific messages with the
  `Message::verify_message` method. Verification errors are reported using the
  new `MessageError` struct.

* Added support for the GNUstep runtime!
  Operating systems besides OSX and iOS will fall back to the GNUstep runtime.

* Root classes can be declared by using the `ClassDecl::root` constructor.

### Changed

* C types are now used from `std::os::raw` rather than `libc`. This means
  `Encode` may not be implemented for `libc` types; switch them to the
  `std::os::raw` equivalents instead. This avoids an issue that would arise
  from simultaneously using different versions of the libc crate. 

* Dynamic messaging was moved into the `Message` trait; instead of
  `().send(obj, sel!(description))`, use
  `obj.send_message(sel!(description), ())`.

* Rearranged the parameters to `ClassDecl::new` for consistency; instead of
  `ClassDecl::new(superclass, "MyObject")`, use
  `ClassDecl::new("MyObject", superclass)`.

* Overhauled the `MethodImplementation` trait. Encodings are now accessed
  through the `MethodImplementation::Args` associated type. The `imp_for`
  method was replaced with `imp` and no longer takes a selector or returns an
  `UnequalArgsError`, although `ClassDecl::add_method` still validates the
  number of arguments.

* Updated the definition of `Imp` to not use the old dispatch prototypes.
  To invoke an `Imp`, it must first be transmuted to the correct type.

* Removed `objc_msgSend` functions from the `runtime` module; the availability
  of these functions varies and they shouldn't be called without trasmuting,
  so they are now hidden as an implementation detail of messaging.

### Fixed

* Corrected alignment of ivars in `ClassDecl`; declared classes may now have a
  smaller size. 

* With the `"exception"` or `"verify_message"` feature enabled, panics from
  `msg_send!` will now be triggered from the line and file where the macro is
  used, rather than from within the implementation of messaging.