obj-rs 0.4.15

Wavefront obj parser for Rust. It handles both 'obj' and 'mtl' formats.
//! Contains helper structs for error handling

use std::fmt;
use std::io::Error;
use std::num::{ParseIntError, ParseFloatError};
use std::convert::From;

/// A type for results generated by `load_obj` and `load_mtl` where the `Err` type is hard-wired to
/// `ObjError`
/// This typedef is generally used to avoid writing out `ObjError` directly and is otherwise a
/// direct mapping to `std::result::Result`.
pub type ObjResult<T> = Result<T, ObjError>;

/// The error type for loading of the `obj` file.
pub enum ObjError {
    /// IO error has been occurred during opening the `obj` file.
    /// Tried to parse integer frome the `obj` file, but failed.
    /// Tried to parse floating point number frome the `obj` file, but failed.
    /// `LoadError` has been occurred during parseing the `obj` file.

macro_rules! implmnt {
    ($name:ident, $error:ident) => (
        impl From<$error> for ObjError {
            fn from(err: $error) -> Self {

impl fmt::Display for ObjError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        match self {
            &ObjError::Io(ref e) => e.fmt(f),
            &ObjError::ParseInt(ref e) => e.fmt(f),
            &ObjError::ParseFloat(ref e) => e.fmt(f),
            &ObjError::Load(ref e) => e.fmt(f),

implmnt!(Io, Error);
implmnt!(ParseInt, ParseIntError);
implmnt!(ParseFloat, ParseFloatError);
implmnt!(Load, LoadError);

/// The error type for parse operations of the `Obj` struct.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct LoadError {
    kind: LoadErrorKind,
    desc: &'static str,

/// A list specifying general categories of load error.
#[derive(Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum LoadErrorKind {
    /// Met unexpected statement.
    /// Received wrong number of arguments.
    /// Received unexpected type of arguments.
    /// Model should be triangulated first to be loaded properly.
    /// Model cannot be transformed into requested form.

impl LoadError {
    /// Creates a new custom error from a specified kind/description.
    pub fn new(kind: LoadErrorKind, desc: &'static str) -> Self {
        LoadError { kind: kind, desc: desc }

impl fmt::Display for LoadError {
    fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        let basic = match self.kind {
            LoadErrorKind::UnexpectedStatement => "Met unexpected statement. ",
            LoadErrorKind::WrongNumberOfArguments => "Received wrong number of arguments. ",
            LoadErrorKind::WrongTypeOfArguments => "Received unexpected type of arguments. ",
            LoadErrorKind::UntriangulatedModel => "Model should be triangulated first to be loaded properly. ",
            LoadErrorKind::InsufficientData => "Model cannot be transformed into requested form. ",

        write!(fmt, "{} {}", basic, self.desc)

macro_rules! error {
    ($kind:ident, $desc:expr) => {
        return Err(
                    $crate::error::LoadErrorKind::$kind, $desc