oberon 2.2.1

Oberon is a multi-factor zero-knowledge capable token without requiring email, SMS, or authenticator apps. The proof of token validity is only 96 bytes while the token itself is only 48 bytes.
    Copyright Michael Lodder. All Rights Reserved.
    SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
mod common;

use common::{MockRng, ID};
use oberon::{Blinding, Proof, PublicKey, SecretKey};
use rand_core::RngCore;

fn proof_works() {
    let mut rng = MockRng::new();
    let sk = SecretKey::new(&mut rng);
    let pk = PublicKey::from(&sk);
    let token = sk.sign(ID).unwrap();
    let blinding = Blinding::new(b"1234");
    let blinded_token = token - &blinding;

    // sent from verifier, could also be a timestamp in milliseconds as unsigned 8 byte integer
    let mut nonce = [0u8; 16];
    rng.fill_bytes(&mut nonce);

    let opt_proof = Proof::new(&blinded_token, &[blinding], ID, &nonce, &mut rng);
    let proof = opt_proof.unwrap();

    // Send proof, id, nonce to verifier
    assert_eq!(proof.open(pk, ID, nonce).unwrap_u8(), 1u8);
    assert_eq!(proof.open(pk, b"wrong id", nonce).unwrap_u8(), 0u8);
    assert_eq!(proof.open(pk, ID, b"wrong nonce").unwrap_u8(), 0u8);

    // check proof serde
    let proof_bytes = proof.to_bytes();
    let opt_proof = Proof::from_bytes(&proof_bytes);
    assert_eq!(opt_proof.is_some().unwrap_u8(), 1u8);
    let proof = opt_proof.unwrap();
    assert_eq!(proof.open(pk, ID, nonce).unwrap_u8(), 1u8);

    // No blinding factor
    let opt_proof = Proof::new(&blinded_token, &[], ID, &nonce, &mut rng);
    let proof = opt_proof.unwrap();

    // Send proof, id, nonce to verifier
    assert_eq!(proof.open(pk, ID, nonce).unwrap_u8(), 0u8);

    // proof to bytes
    println!("{:?}", proof.to_bytes());
            171, 50, 166, 43, 168, 199, 83, 254, 187, 82, 10, 20, 80, 106, 217, 99, 152, 85, 146,
            201, 116, 160, 65, 177, 74, 89, 56, 163, 249, 54, 78, 230, 45, 98, 181, 248, 14, 40,
            206, 168, 136, 107, 154, 224, 116, 86, 210, 236, 160, 236, 124, 238, 208, 209, 161, 12,
            122, 2, 17, 55, 18, 187, 110, 106, 177, 222, 130, 252, 100, 226, 32, 255, 118, 230,
            179, 233, 49, 240, 51, 248, 199, 92, 53, 218, 200, 163, 69, 13, 111, 255, 189, 151, 65,
            122, 150, 192

fn serialization_test() {
    let ct_proof = Proof::from_bytes(&[
        171, 50, 166, 43, 168, 199, 83, 254, 187, 82, 10, 20, 80, 106, 217, 99, 152, 85, 146, 201,
        116, 160, 65, 177, 74, 89, 56, 163, 249, 54, 78, 230, 45, 98, 181, 248, 14, 40, 206, 168,
        136, 107, 154, 224, 116, 86, 210, 236, 160, 236, 124, 238, 208, 209, 161, 12, 122, 2, 17,
        55, 18, 187, 110, 106, 177, 222, 130, 252, 100, 226, 32, 255, 118, 230, 179, 233, 49, 240,
        51, 248, 199, 92, 53, 218, 200, 163, 69, 13, 111, 255, 189, 151, 65, 122, 150, 192,
    assert_eq!(ct_proof.is_some().unwrap_u8(), 1u8);
    let proof = ct_proof.unwrap();
    let s = serde_json::to_string(&proof).unwrap();
    println!("len = {}", s.len());
    println!("json = {:#?}", s);
        "cbor = {}",

fn vectors() {
    let mut rng = MockRng::new();
    let sk = SecretKey::new(&mut rng);
    let pk = PublicKey::from(&sk);
    let id = hex::decode("aa").unwrap();
    let token = sk.sign(&id).unwrap();
    let mut nonce = [0u8; 16];
    rng.fill_bytes(&mut nonce);
    let proof = Proof::new(&token, &[], &id, nonce, &mut rng).unwrap();
    println!("sk    = {}", hex::encode(sk.to_bytes()));
    println!("token = {}", hex::encode(token.to_bytes()));
    println!("nonce = {}", hex::encode(nonce));
    println!("proof = {}", hex::encode(proof.to_bytes()));
    println!("open = {}", proof.open(pk, &id, nonce).unwrap_u8())