oauth1-request 0.6.0

Yet yet yet another OAuth 1.0 client library.

Yet yet yet another OAuth 1.0 client library.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

oauth = { version = "0.6", package = "oauth1-request" }

For brevity, we refer to the crate name as oauth throughout the documentation, since the API is designed in favor of qualified paths like oauth::get.

Create a request

A typical authorization flow looks like this:

extern crate oauth1_request as oauth;

// Define a type to represent your request. #[derive(oauth::Request)] struct CreateComment<'a> { article_id: u64, text: &'a str, }

let uri = "https://example.com/api/v1/comments/create.json";

let request = CreateComment { article_id: 123456789, text: "A request signed with OAuth & Rust 🦀 🔏", };

// Prepare your credentials. let token = oauth::Token::from_parts("consumer_key", "consumer_secret", "token", "token_secret");

// Create the Authorization header. let authorization_header = oauth::post(uri, &request, &token, oauth::HMAC_SHA1);

// Override the above value to pin the nonce and timestamp value.

let mut builder = oauth::Builder::new(token.client, oauth::HMAC_SHA1);



let authorization_header = builder.post(uri, &request);

// oauth_nonce and oauth_timestamp vary on each execution. assert_eq!( authorization_header, "OAuth
oauth_signature="n%2FrUgos4CFFZbZK8Z8wFR7drU4c%3D"", );

// You can create an x-www-form-urlencoded string or a URI with query pairs from the request.

let form = oauth::to_form(&request); assert_eq!( form, "article_id=123456789&text=A%20request%20signed%20with%20OAuth%20%26%20Rust%20%F0%9F%A6%80%20%F0%9F%94%8F", );

let uri = oauth::to_query(uri.to_owned(), &request); assert_eq!( uri, "https://example.com/api/v1/comments/create.json?article_id=123456789&text=A%20request%20signed%20with%20OAuth%20%26%20Rust%20%F0%9F%A6%80%20%F0%9F%94%8F", );

See [`Request`][oauth1_request_derive::Request] for more details on the derive macro.

If you want to authorize a request with dynamic keys, use

# extern crate oauth1_request as oauth;
use std::fmt::Display;

let request = oauth::ParameterList::new([
("article_id", &123456789 as &dyn Display),
("text", &"A request signed with OAuth & Rust 🦀 🔏"),

let form = oauth::to_form(&request);

Use [oauth::Builder][Builder] if you need to specify a callback URI or verifier:

extern crate oauth1_request as oauth;

let uri = "https://example.com/oauth/request_temp_credentials"; let callback = "https://client.example.net/oauth/callback";

let client = oauth::Credentials::new("consumer_key", "consumer_secret");

let authorization_header = oauth::Builder::<_, _>::new(client, oauth::HmacSha1::new()) .callback(callback) .post(uri, &());