oats-rs 0.2.1

Short, unique ids without the hassle of random uuids.


Used 'nightly' toolchain Version 0.1.0

Short, unique ids without the hassle of random uuids.


Getting started

Adding library to project

cargo add oats-rs

Using it to generate unique identifiers

    use oats::bowl::{GenerationBehavior, WrappedBowl};
    use std::time::SystemTime;
    let wrapped_bowl = WrappedBowl::of(1, GenerationBehavior::Normal, Some(SystemTime::now()));
    let oat = wrapped_bowl.generate();
    assert_eq!(oat.node(), 1);

Syntax of Oats

When using ToString, the Oat object is displayed in a mixed format that includes the node ID and a local unique identifier (LUID) with a timestamp and sequence ID. The LUID is encoded as a URL-safe base64 string without padding.

    const ENGINE: FastPortable = FastPortable::from(&URL_SAFE, NO_PAD);
    format!("{:X>2X}{}", &self.node, encode_engine(&self luid.to_le_bytes(), &ENGINE))