oaidl 0.2.0

Crate to manage conversions to/from SAFEARRAY, VARIANT, and BSTR data structures in COM interop
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::mem;
use std::ptr::{drop_in_place, null_mut};

use super::bstr::U16String;

use winapi::ctypes::{c_long, c_void};
use winapi::shared::minwindef::{UINT, ULONG,};
use winapi::shared::ntdef::HRESULT;
use winapi::shared::wtypes::{
use winapi::shared::wtypesbase::SCODE;

use winapi::um::unknwnbase::IUnknown;

use super::errors::{
use super::ptr::Ptr;
use super::types::{Currency, Date, DecWrapper, Int, SCode, TryConvert, UInt, VariantBool};
use super::variant::{Variant, VariantExt};
macro_rules! check_and_throw {
    ($hr:ident, $success:expr, $fail:expr) => {
        match $hr {
            0 => $success, 
            _ => $fail

// Handles dropping zeroed memory (technically initialized, but can't be dropped.)
struct EmptyMemoryDestructor<T> {
    pub(crate) inner: *mut T, 
    _marker: PhantomData<T>

impl<T> EmptyMemoryDestructor<T> {
    /// Takes a pointer to work around the borrow checker (can't take &mut on a & borrow.)
    fn new(t: *mut T) -> EmptyMemoryDestructor<T> {
            inner: t, 
            _marker: PhantomData

impl<T> Drop for EmptyMemoryDestructor<T> {
    /// Checks if pointer is null, and if so, doesn't do anything.
    /// Otherwise, it drops the allocated memory in place. 
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        if self.inner.is_null() {
        unsafe {
        self.inner = null_mut();

/// Helper trait implemented for types that can be converted into a safe array. 
/// Implemented for types:
/// * [`i8`], [`u8`], [`i16`], [`u16`], [`i32`], [`u32`]
/// * [`bool`], [`f32`], [`f64`]
/// * [`String`], [`Variant<T>`], 
/// * [`Ptr<IUnknown>`], [`Ptr<IDispatch>`]
/// [`Variant<T>`]: struct.Variant.html
/// [`Ptr<IUnknown>`]: struct.Ptr.html
/// [`Ptr<IDispatch>`]: struct.Ptr.html
/// [`i8`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/i8/index.html
/// [`u8`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/u8/index.html
/// [`f32`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/f32/index.html
/// [`f64`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/f64/index.html
/// [`i16`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/i16/index.html
/// [`i32`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/i32/index.html
/// [`i64`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/i64/index.html
/// [`u16`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/u16/index.html
/// [`u32`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/u32/index.html
/// [`u64`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/u64/index.html
/// [`String`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/string/struct.String.html
/// [`bool`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/primitive.bool.html
/// [`SCode`]: struct.SCode.html
/// [`Currency`]: struct.Currency.html
/// [`Date`]: struct.Date.html
/// [`Int`]: struct.Int.html
/// [`UInt`]: struct.UInt.html 
/// ## Example usage
/// Generally, you shouldn't implement this on your types without great care. Therefore this 
/// example only shows the basic interface, but not implementation details. 
/// ```
/// extern crate oaidl;
/// extern crate winapi;
/// use std::vec::IntoIter;
/// use oaidl::{SafeArrayElement, SafeArrayExt, SafeArrayError};
/// fn main() -> Result<(), SafeArrayError> {
///     let v = vec![-3i16, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3];
///     let arr = v.into_iter().into_safearray()?;
///     let out = IntoIter::<i16>::from_safearray(arr)?;    
///     println!("{:?}", out);
///     Ok(())
/// }
/// ```
pub trait SafeArrayElement
    Self: Sized
    const SFTYPE: u32;

    type Element: TryConvert<Self, ElementError>;

    fn from_safearray(psa: *mut SAFEARRAY, ix: i32) -> Result<Self::Element, ElementError> {
        let mut def_val: Self::Element = unsafe {mem::zeroed()};
        let mut empty = EmptyMemoryDestructor::new(&mut def_val);
        let hr = unsafe {SafeArrayGetElement(psa, &ix, &mut def_val as *mut _ as *mut c_void)};
        match hr {
            0 => {
                empty.inner = null_mut();
            _ => {
                Err(ElementError::from(FromSafeArrElemError::GetElementFailed{hr: hr}))

    fn into_safearray(self, psa: *mut SAFEARRAY, ix: i32) -> Result<(), ElementError> {
        let mut slf = Self::Element::try_convert(self)?;
        let hr = unsafe { SafeArrayPutElement(psa, &ix, &mut slf as *mut _ as *mut c_void)};
        match hr {
            0 => Ok(()), 
            _ => Err(ElementError::from(IntoSafeArrElemError::PutElementFailed{hr: hr}))

macro_rules! impl_safe_arr_elem {
    ($(#[$attrs:meta])* $t:ty => $element:ty, $vtype:ident) => {
        impl SafeArrayElement for $t {
            const SFTYPE: u32 = $vtype;
            type Element = $element;
    ($(#[$attrs:meta])* $t:ty, $vtype:ident) => {
        impl SafeArrayElement for $t {
            const SFTYPE: u32 = $vtype;
            type Element = $t;

impl_safe_arr_elem!(#[doc="`SafeArrayElement` impl for `i16`. This allows it to be converted into SAFEARRAY with vt = `VT_I2`."] i16, VT_I2);
impl_safe_arr_elem!(#[doc="`SafeArrayElement` impl for `i32`. This allows it to be converted into SAFEARRAY with vt = `VT_I4`."] i32, VT_I4);
impl_safe_arr_elem!(#[doc="`SafeArrayElement` impl for `f32`. This allows it to be converted into SAFEARRAY with vt = `VT_R4`."] f32, VT_R4);
impl_safe_arr_elem!(#[doc="`SafeArrayElement` impl for `f64`. This allows it to be converted into SAFEARRAY with vt = `VT_R8`."] f64, VT_R8);
impl_safe_arr_elem!(#[doc="`SafeArrayElement` impl for [`Currency`]:struct.Currency.html . This allows it to be converted into SAFEARRAY with vt = `VT_CY`."] Currency => CY, VT_CY);
impl_safe_arr_elem!(#[doc="`SafeArrayElement` impl for ['Date']: struct.Date.html. This allows it to be converted into SAFEARRAY with vt = `VT_DATE`."] Date => DATE, VT_DATE);

/// `SafeArrayElement` impl for [`U16String`]. This allows it to be converted into SAFEARRAY with vt = `VT_BSTR`.
/// This overrides the default implementation of `into_safearray` because `*mut *mut u16` is the incorrect
/// type to put in a SAFEARRAY. 
/// [`U16String`]: https://docs.rs/widestring/0.4.0/widestring/type.U16String.html
impl SafeArrayElement for U16String {
    const SFTYPE: u32 = VT_BSTR;
    type Element = BSTR;

    fn into_safearray(self, psa: *mut SAFEARRAY, ix: i32) -> Result<(), ElementError> {
        let slf = <BSTR as TryConvert<U16String, ElementError>>::try_convert(self)?;
        let hr = unsafe { SafeArrayPutElement(psa, &ix, slf as *mut c_void)};
        match hr {
            0 => Ok(()), 
            _ => Err(ElementError::from(IntoSafeArrElemError::PutElementFailed{hr: hr}))
impl_safe_arr_elem!(#[doc="`SafeArrayElement` impl for ['SCode']. This allows it to be converted into SAFEARRAY with vt = `VT_ERROR`."]SCode => SCODE, VT_ERROR);
impl_safe_arr_elem!(#[doc="`SafeArrayElement` impl for ['VariantBool']. This allows it to be converted into SAFEARRAY with vt = `VT_BOOL`."]VariantBool => VARIANT_BOOL, VT_BOOL);

/// SafeArrayElement` impl for ['Variant<D,T>']. This allows it to be converted into SAFEARRAY with vt = `VT_VARIANT`.
/// This overrides the default impl of `from_safearray` and `into_safearray` because `*mut VARIANT` doesn't need 
/// an additional indirection to be put into a `SAFEARRAY`. 
impl<D, T> SafeArrayElement for Variant<D, T> 
    D: VariantExt<T>
    const SFTYPE: u32 = VT_VARIANT;
    type Element = Ptr<VARIANT>;

    fn from_safearray(psa: *mut SAFEARRAY, ix: i32) -> Result<Self::Element, ElementError> {
        let mut def_val: VARIANT = unsafe {mem::zeroed()};
        let mut empty = EmptyMemoryDestructor::new(&mut def_val);
        let hr = unsafe {SafeArrayGetElement(psa, &ix, &mut def_val as *mut _ as *mut c_void)};
        match hr {
            0 => {
                empty.inner = null_mut();
            _ => {
                Err(ElementError::from(FromSafeArrElemError::GetElementFailed{hr: hr}))

    fn into_safearray(self, psa: *mut SAFEARRAY, ix: i32) -> Result<(), ElementError> {
        let slf = <Ptr<VARIANT> as TryConvert<Variant<D, T>, ElementError>>::try_convert(self)?;
        let hr = unsafe { SafeArrayPutElement(psa, &ix, slf.as_ptr() as *mut c_void)};
        match hr {
            0 => Ok(()), 
            _ => Err(ElementError::from(IntoSafeArrElemError::PutElementFailed{hr: hr}))
impl_safe_arr_elem!(#[doc="`SafeArrayElement` impl for ['DecWrapper']. This allows it to be converted into SAFEARRAY with vt = `VT_DECIMAL`."]DecWrapper => DECIMAL, VT_DECIMAL);
impl_safe_arr_elem!(#[doc="`SafeArrayElement` impl for `i8`. This allows it to be converted into SAFEARRAY with vt = `VT_I1`."]i8, VT_I1);
impl_safe_arr_elem!(#[doc="`SafeArrayElement` impl for `u8`. This allows it to be converted into SAFEARRAY with vt = `VT_UI1`."]u8, VT_UI1);
impl_safe_arr_elem!(#[doc="`SafeArrayElement` impl for `u16`. This allows it to be converted into SAFEARRAY with vt = `VT_UI2`."]u16, VT_UI2);
impl_safe_arr_elem!(#[doc="`SafeArrayElement` impl for `u32`. This allows it to be converted into SAFEARRAY with vt = `VT_UI4`."]u32, VT_UI4);
impl_safe_arr_elem!(#[doc="`SafeArrayElement` impl for [`Int`]. This allows it to be converted into SAFEARRAY with vt = `VT_INT`."]Int => i32, VT_INT);
impl_safe_arr_elem!(#[doc="`SafeArrayElement` impl for [`UInt`]. This allows it to be converted into SAFEARRAY with vt = `VT_INT`."]UInt => u32, VT_UINT);

/// SafeArrayElement` impl for ['Ptr<IUnknown>']. This allows it to be converted into SAFEARRAY with vt = `VT_UNKNOWN`.
/// This overrides the default impl of `from_safearray` and `into_safearray` because *mut IUnknown doesn't need 
/// an additional indirection to be put into a SAFEARRAY. 
impl SafeArrayElement for Ptr<IUnknown> {
    const SFTYPE: u32 = VT_UNKNOWN;
    type Element = *mut IUnknown;

    fn from_safearray(psa: *mut SAFEARRAY, ix: i32) -> Result<Self::Element, ElementError> {
        let mut def_val: IUnknown = unsafe {mem::zeroed()};
        let mut empty = EmptyMemoryDestructor::new(&mut def_val);
        let hr = unsafe {SafeArrayGetElement(psa, &ix, &mut def_val as *mut _ as *mut c_void)};
        match hr {
            0 => {
                empty.inner = null_mut();
                Ok(&mut def_val)
            _ => {
                Err(ElementError::from(FromSafeArrElemError::GetElementFailed{hr: hr}))

    fn into_safearray(self, psa: *mut SAFEARRAY, ix: i32) -> Result<(), ElementError> {
        let slf = self.as_ptr();
        let hr = unsafe { SafeArrayPutElement(psa, &ix, slf as *mut c_void)};
        match hr {
            0 => Ok(()), 
            _ => Err(ElementError::from(IntoSafeArrElemError::PutElementFailed{hr: hr}))

/// SafeArrayElement` impl for ['Ptr<IDispatch>']. This allows it to be converted into SAFEARRAY with vt = `VT_DISPATCH`.
/// This overrides the default impl of `from_safearray` and `into_safearray` because *mut IDispatch doesn't need 
/// an additional indirection to be put into a SAFEARRAY. 
impl SafeArrayElement for Ptr<IDispatch> {
    const SFTYPE: u32 = VT_DISPATCH;
    type Element = *mut IDispatch;

    fn from_safearray(psa: *mut SAFEARRAY, ix: i32) -> Result<Self::Element, ElementError> {
        let mut def_val: IDispatch = unsafe {mem::zeroed()};
        let mut empty = EmptyMemoryDestructor::new(&mut def_val);
        let hr = unsafe {SafeArrayGetElement(psa, &ix, &mut def_val as *mut _ as *mut c_void)};
        match hr {
            0 => {
                empty.inner = null_mut();
                Ok(&mut def_val)
            _ => {
                Err(ElementError::from(FromSafeArrElemError::GetElementFailed{hr: hr}))

    fn into_safearray(self, psa: *mut SAFEARRAY, ix: i32) -> Result<(), ElementError> {
        let slf = self.as_ptr();
        let hr = unsafe { SafeArrayPutElement(psa, &ix, slf as *mut c_void)};
        match hr {
            0 => Ok(()), 
            _ => Err(ElementError::from(IntoSafeArrElemError::PutElementFailed{hr: hr}))

impl TryConvert<Ptr<IUnknown>, ElementError> for *mut IUnknown {
    /// Unwraps the Ptr with [`as_ptr()`]
    fn try_convert(p: Ptr<IUnknown>) -> Result<Self, ElementError> {

impl TryConvert<Ptr<IDispatch>, ElementError> for *mut IDispatch {
    /// Unwraps the Ptr with [`as_ptr()`]
    fn try_convert(p: Ptr<IDispatch>) -> Result<Self, ElementError> {

/// Workhorse trait and main interface for converting to/from SAFEARRAY. 
/// Default impl is on `ExactSizeIterator<Item=SafeArrayElement>` 
pub trait SafeArrayExt<T: SafeArrayElement> {
    /// Use `t.into_safearray()` to convert a type into a SAFEARRAY
    fn into_safearray(&mut self) -> Result<Ptr<SAFEARRAY>, SafeArrayError>;
    /// Use `T::from_safearray(psa)` to convert a safearray pointer into the relevant T
    fn from_safearray(psa: Ptr<SAFEARRAY>) -> Result<Vec<T>, SafeArrayError>;

// Ensures that the SAFEARRAY memory that is allocated gets cleaned up, even during a panic.
struct SafeArrayDestructor {
    inner: *mut SAFEARRAY, 
    _marker: PhantomData<SAFEARRAY>

impl SafeArrayDestructor {
    fn new(p: *mut SAFEARRAY) -> SafeArrayDestructor {
        assert!(!p.is_null(), "SafeArrayDestructor initialized with null *mut SAFEARRAY pointer.");
            inner: p, 
            _marker: PhantomData

impl Drop for SafeArrayDestructor {
    /// calls `SafeArrayDestroy` if the pointer isn't null - only happens if there is a panic or error.
    /// This is because memory was allocated (ideally) by  
    fn drop(&mut self)  {
        if self.inner.is_null(){
        unsafe {
        self.inner = null_mut();

/// Blanket implementation, requires that `TryConvert` is implement between `Itr::Item` and `Elem` where 
/// `Elem` is the target type for conversion into/from the SAFEARRAY
impl<Itr, Elem> SafeArrayExt<Itr::Item> for Itr
    Itr: ExactSizeIterator, 
    Itr::Item: SafeArrayElement<Element=Elem> + TryConvert<Elem, ElementError>, 
    Elem: TryConvert<Itr::Item, ElementError> 
    fn into_safearray(&mut self) -> Result<Ptr<SAFEARRAY>, SafeArrayError > {
        let c_elements: ULONG = self.len() as u32;
        let vartype = Itr::Item::SFTYPE;
        let mut sab = SAFEARRAYBOUND { cElements: c_elements, lLbound: 0i32};
        let psa = unsafe { SafeArrayCreate(vartype as u16, 1, &mut sab)};
        let mut sad = SafeArrayDestructor::new(psa);
        for (ix, mut elem) in self.enumerate() {
            match <Itr::Item as SafeArrayElement>::into_safearray(elem, psa, ix as i32) {
                Ok(()) => continue,
                //Safe-ish to do because memory allocated will be freed.  
                Err(e) => return Err(SafeArrayError::from(IntoSafeArrayError::from_element_err(e, ix)))

        // No point in clearing the allocated memory at this point. 
        sad.inner = null_mut();


    fn from_safearray(psa: Ptr<SAFEARRAY>) -> Result<Vec<Itr::Item>, SafeArrayError> {
        let psa = psa.as_ptr();
        //Stack sentinel to ensure safearray is released even if there is a panic or early return.
        let _sad = SafeArrayDestructor::new(psa);
        let sa_dims = unsafe { SafeArrayGetDim(psa) };
        assert!(sa_dims > 0); //Assert its not a dimensionless safe array
        let vt = unsafe {
            let mut vt: VARTYPE = 0;
            let hr = SafeArrayGetVartype(psa, &mut vt);
            check_and_throw!(hr, {}, {return Err(SafeArrayError::from(FromSafeArrayError::SafeArrayGetVartypeFailed{hr: hr}))});

        if vt as u32 != Itr::Item::SFTYPE {
            return Err(SafeArrayError::from(FromSafeArrayError::VarTypeDoesNotMatch{expected: Itr::Item::SFTYPE, found: vt as u32}));

        if sa_dims == 1 {
            let (l_bound, r_bound) = unsafe {
                let mut l_bound: c_long = 0;
                let mut r_bound: c_long = 0;
                let hr = SafeArrayGetLBound(psa, 1, &mut l_bound);
                check_and_throw!(hr, {}, {return Err(SafeArrayError::from(FromSafeArrayError::SafeArrayLBoundFailed{hr: hr}))});
                let hr = SafeArrayGetUBound(psa, 1, &mut r_bound);
                check_and_throw!(hr, {}, {return Err(SafeArrayError::from(FromSafeArrayError::SafeArrayRBoundFailed{hr: hr}))});
                (l_bound, r_bound)

            let mut vc: Vec<Itr::Item> = Vec::new();
            for ix in l_bound..=r_bound {
                match Itr::Item::from_safearray(psa, ix) {
                    Ok(val) => { 
                        let v = match Itr::Item::try_convert(val) {
                            Ok(v) => v, 
                            Err(ex) => return Err(SafeArrayError::from(FromSafeArrayError::from_element_err(ex, ix as usize))),
                    Err(e) => return Err(SafeArrayError::from(FromSafeArrayError::from_element_err(e, ix as usize)))
        } else {
            Err(SafeArrayError::from(FromSafeArrayError::SafeArrayDimsInvalid{sa_dims: sa_dims}))

extern "system" {
     fn SafeArrayCreate(vt: VARTYPE, cDims: UINT, rgsabound: LPSAFEARRAYBOUND) -> LPSAFEARRAY;
	 fn SafeArrayDestroy(safe: LPSAFEARRAY)->HRESULT;
     fn SafeArrayGetDim(psa: LPSAFEARRAY) -> UINT;
     fn SafeArrayGetElement(psa: LPSAFEARRAY, rgIndices: *const c_long, pv: *mut c_void) -> HRESULT;
     fn SafeArrayGetLBound(psa: LPSAFEARRAY, nDim: UINT, plLbound: *mut c_long)->HRESULT;
     fn SafeArrayGetUBound(psa: LPSAFEARRAY, nDim: UINT, plUbound: *mut c_long)->HRESULT;
     fn SafeArrayGetVartype(psa: LPSAFEARRAY, pvt: *mut VARTYPE) -> HRESULT;
     fn SafeArrayPutElement(psa: LPSAFEARRAY, rgIndices: *const c_long, pv: *mut c_void) -> HRESULT;

mod test {
    use super::*;
    use std::vec::IntoIter;
    use rust_decimal::Decimal;
    macro_rules! validate_safe_arr {
        ($t:ident, $vals:expr, $vt:expr) => {
            let v: Vec<$t> = $vals;

            let p = v.into_iter().into_safearray().unwrap();
            let r: Result<Vec<$t>, SafeArrayError> = IntoIter::<$t>::from_safearray(p);
            let r = r.unwrap();
            assert_eq!(r, $vals);
    fn test_i16() {
        validate_safe_arr!(i16, vec![0,1,2,3,4], VT_I2 );
    fn test_i32() {
        validate_safe_arr!(i32, vec![0,1,2,3,4], VT_I4 );
    fn test_f32() {
        validate_safe_arr!(f32, vec![0.0f32,-1.333f32,2f32,3f32,4f32], VT_R4 );
    fn test_f64() {
        validate_safe_arr!(f64, vec![0.0f64,-1.333f64,2f64,3f64,4f64], VT_R8 );
    fn test_cy() {
        validate_safe_arr!(Currency, vec![Currency::from(-1), Currency::from(2)], VT_CY );
    fn test_date() {
        validate_safe_arr!(Date, vec![Date::from(0.01), Date::from(100.0/99.0)], VT_DATE );

    fn test_str() {
        let v: Vec<U16String> = vec![U16String::from_str("validate"), U16String::from_str("test string")];
        let mut v = v.into_iter();
        let p = <IntoIter<U16String> as SafeArrayExt<U16String>>::into_safearray(&mut v).unwrap();

        let r: Result<Vec<U16String>, SafeArrayError> = IntoIter::from_safearray(p);

        let r = r.unwrap();
        assert_eq!(r, vec![U16String::from_str("validate"), U16String::from_str("test string")]);

    fn test_scode() {
        validate_safe_arr!(SCode, vec![SCode::from(100), SCode::from(10000)], VT_ERROR );
    fn test_bool() {
        validate_safe_arr!(VariantBool, vec![VariantBool::from(true), VariantBool::from(false), VariantBool::from(true), VariantBool::from(true), VariantBool::from(false), VariantBool::from(false), VariantBool::from(true)], VT_BOOL );

    fn test_variant() {
        let v: Vec<Variant<u64, u64>> = vec![Variant::wrap(100u64)];

        let mut p = v.into_iter();
        let p = <IntoIter<Variant<u64, u64>> as SafeArrayExt<Variant<u64, u64>>>::into_safearray(&mut p).unwrap();
        let r: Result< Vec<Variant<u64, u64>>, SafeArrayError> = IntoIter::from_safearray(p);
        let r = r.unwrap();
        assert_eq!(r,  vec![Variant::wrap(100u64)]);

    fn test_decimal() {
        validate_safe_arr!(DecWrapper, vec![DecWrapper::from(Decimal::new(2, 2)), DecWrapper::from(Decimal::new(3, 3))], VE_DECIMAL );
    fn test_i8() {
        validate_safe_arr!(i8, vec![-1, 0,1,2,3,4], VT_I1 );
    fn test_u8() {
        validate_safe_arr!(u8, vec![0,1,2,3,4], VT_UI1 );
    fn test_u16() {
        validate_safe_arr!(u16, vec![0,1,2,3,4], VT_UI2 );
    fn test_u32() {
        validate_safe_arr!(u32, vec![0,1,2,3,4], VT_UI4 );