Crate oaidl[][src]


A module to handle conversion to and from common OLE/COM types - VARIANT, SAFEARRAY, and BSTR.

This module provides some convenience types as well as traits and trait implementations for built in rust types - u8, i8, u1, i16, u32, i32, u64, f32, f64, String, bool to and from VARIANT structures. In addition, Vec<T> can be converted into a SAFEARRAY where T: i8, u8, u16, i16, u32, i32, String, f32, f64, bool.

In addition, IUnknown, IDispatch pointers can be marshalled back and forth across boundaries.

There are some convenience types provided for further types that VARIANT/SAFEARRAY support: SCode, Int, UInt, Currency, Date, DecWrapper, VtEmpty, VtNull

The relevant traits to use are: BStringExt, SafeArrayElement, SafeArrayExt, and VariantExt


An example of how to use the module:

extern crate oaidl;
extern crate winapi;
use winapi::um::oaidl::VARIANT;
use oaidl::{VariantExt};
//simulate an FFI function
unsafe fn c_masq(s: *mut VARIANT, p: *mut VARIANT) {
    println!("vt of s: {}", (*s).n1.n2_mut().vt);
    println!("vt of p: {}", (*p).n1.n2_mut().vt);
    //free the memory allocated for these VARIANTS
    let s = *s;
    let p = *p;
fn main() {
    let mut u = 1337u32;
    let mut sr = String::from("Turing completeness.");
    let p = match u.into_variant() {
        Ok(pvar) => pvar, 
        Err(ex) => panic!(ex),
    let s = match sr.into_variant() {
        Ok(pvar) => pvar, 
        Err(ex) => panic!(ex)
    unsafe {c_masq(s.as_ptr(), p.as_ptr())};



Helper type for the OLE/COM+ type CY


Helper type for the OLE/COM+ type DATE


Helper type for the OLE/COM+ type DECIMAL


Struct that holds pointer to Sys* allocated memory. It will automatically free the memory via the Sys* functions unless it has been consumed.


Helper type for the OLE/COM+ type INT


Convenience type for holding value of *mut T Mostly just a projection of NonNull<T> functionality


Helper type for the OLE/COM+ type SCODE


Helper type for the OLE/COM+ type UINT


Helper struct to wrap a VARIANT compatible type into a VT_VARIANT marked VARIANT


Helper type for the OLE/COM+ type VARIANT_BOOL


Helper type for VT_EMPTY variants


Helper type for VT_NULL variants



This trait is implemented on String to enable the convenient and safe conversion of It utilizes the Sys* functions to manage the allocated memory. Generally you will want to use .allocate_managed_bstr() because it provides a type that will automatically free the BSTR when dropped.


Helper trait implemented for types that can be converted into a safe array. Generally, don't implement this yourself without care. Implemented for types: * i8, u8, i16, u16, i32, u32 * bool, f32, f64 * String, Variant, * Ptr, Ptr


Workhorse trait and main interface for converting to/from SAFEARRAY Default impl is on Vec<T: SafeArrayElement>


Trait implemented to convert the type into a VARIANT Do not implement this yourself without care.