nyx-space 1.1.1

A high-fidelity space mission toolkit, with orbit propagation, estimation and some systems engineering
    Nyx, blazing fast astrodynamics
    Copyright (C) 2022 Christopher Rabotin <christopher.rabotin@gmail.com>

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
    by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

use crate::linalg::allocator::Allocator;
use crate::linalg::{DefaultAllocator, DimName};
use crate::md::trajectory::{InterpState, Traj};

pub use super::estimate::*;
pub use super::kalman::*;
pub use super::measurement::*;
pub use super::residual::*;
pub use super::snc::*;
pub use super::*;

use crate::propagators::error_ctrl::ErrorCtrl;
use crate::propagators::PropInstance;
pub use crate::time::{Duration, Unit};
use crate::State;

use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::default::Default;
use std::fmt;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::ops::Add;

/// Defines the stopping condition for the smoother
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub enum SmoothingArc {
    /// Stop smoothing when the gap between estimate is the provided floating point number in seconds
    /// Stop smoothing at the provided Epoch.
    /// Stop smoothing at the first prediction
    /// Only stop once all estimates have been processed

impl fmt::Display for SmoothingArc {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        match *self {
            SmoothingArc::All => write!(f, "all estimates"),
            SmoothingArc::Epoch(e) => write!(f, "{}", e),
            SmoothingArc::TimeGap(g) => write!(f, "time gap of {}", g),
            SmoothingArc::Prediction => write!(f, "first prediction"),

/// Defines a filter iteration configuration. Allows iterating on an OD solution until convergence criteria is met.
/// The root mean squared of the postfit residuals is used to assess convergence between iterations.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct IterationConf {
    /// The number of measurements to account for in the iteration
    pub smoother: SmoothingArc,
    /// The absolute tolerance of the RMS postfit residual
    pub absolute_tol: f64,
    /// The relative tolerance between the latest RMS postfit residual and the best RMS postfit residual so far
    pub relative_tol: f64,
    /// The maximum number of iterations to allow (will raise an error if the filter has not converged after this many iterations)
    pub max_iterations: usize,
    /// The maximum number of subsequent divergences in RMS.
    pub max_divergences: usize,
    /// Set to true to force an ODP failure when the convergence criteria is not met
    pub force_failure: bool,
    /// Set to true to use the RMS prefit instead of postfit
    pub use_prefit: bool,

impl Default for IterationConf {
    /// The default absolute tolerance is 1e-2 (calibrated on an EKF with error).
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            smoother: SmoothingArc::All,
            absolute_tol: 1e-2,
            relative_tol: 1e-3,
            max_iterations: 15,
            max_divergences: 3,
            force_failure: false,
            use_prefit: false,

impl fmt::Display for IterationConf {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        let kind = if self.use_prefit { "prefit" } else { "postfit" };
        write!(f, "Iterate {} residuals until abs = {:.2e}, or rel = {:.2e}, or {} iterations, or {} subsequent divergences with smoothing condition of {}",

impl TryFrom<SmoothingArc> for IterationConf {
    type Error = NyxError;

    /// Converts a smoother into an interation configuration to iterate just once without failing
    fn try_from(smoother: SmoothingArc) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
        Ok(Self {
            force_failure: false,

/// An orbit determination process. Note that everything passed to this structure is moved.
pub struct ODProcess<
    D: Dynamics,
    E: ErrorCtrl,
    Msr: Measurement<State = S>,
    N: MeasurementDevice<S, Msr>,
    T: EkfTrigger,
    A: DimName,
    S: EstimateFrom<D::StateType>,
    K: Filter<S, A, Msr::MeasurementSize>,
> where
    D::StateType: Add<OVector<f64, <S as State>::Size>, Output = D::StateType>,
    DefaultAllocator: Allocator<f64, <D::StateType as State>::Size>
        + Allocator<f64, <S as State>::Size>
        + Allocator<f64, <S as State>::VecLength>
        + Allocator<f64, <D::StateType as State>::VecLength>
        + Allocator<f64, Msr::MeasurementSize>
        + Allocator<f64, Msr::MeasurementSize, S::Size>
        + Allocator<f64, S::Size>
        + Allocator<f64, Msr::MeasurementSize, Msr::MeasurementSize>
        + Allocator<f64, Msr::MeasurementSize, <D::StateType as State>::Size>
        + Allocator<f64, <D::StateType as State>::Size, Msr::MeasurementSize>
        + Allocator<f64, <D::StateType as State>::Size, <D::StateType as State>::Size>
        + Allocator<usize, <D::StateType as State>::Size, <D::StateType as State>::Size>
        + Allocator<f64, <S as State>::Size, <S as State>::Size>
        + Allocator<f64, A>
        + Allocator<f64, A, A>
        + Allocator<f64, <D::StateType as State>::Size, A>
        + Allocator<f64, A, <D::StateType as State>::Size>
        + Allocator<f64, <S as State>::Size, A>
        + Allocator<f64, A, <S as State>::Size>,
    /// PropInstance used for the estimation
    pub prop: PropInstance<'a, D, E>,
    /// Kalman filter itself
    pub kf: K,
    /// List of measurement devices used
    pub devices: Vec<N>,
    /// Vector of estimates available after a pass
    pub estimates: Vec<K::Estimate>,
    /// Vector of residuals available after a pass
    pub residuals: Vec<Residual<Msr::MeasurementSize>>,
    pub ekf_trigger: T,
    simultaneous_msr: bool,
    init_state: D::StateType,
    _marker: PhantomData<A>,

        D: Dynamics,
        E: ErrorCtrl,
        Msr: Measurement<State = S>,
        N: MeasurementDevice<S, Msr>,
        T: EkfTrigger,
        A: DimName,
        S: EstimateFrom<D::StateType>,
        K: Filter<S, A, Msr::MeasurementSize>,
    > ODProcess<'a, D, E, Msr, N, T, A, S, K>
    D::StateType: Add<OVector<f64, <S as State>::Size>, Output = D::StateType>,
    DefaultAllocator: Allocator<f64, <D::StateType as State>::Size>
        + Allocator<f64, Msr::MeasurementSize>
        + Allocator<f64, Msr::MeasurementSize, S::Size>
        + Allocator<f64, S::Size>
        + Allocator<usize, S::Size, S::Size>
        + Allocator<f64, Msr::MeasurementSize, Msr::MeasurementSize>
        + Allocator<f64, Msr::MeasurementSize, <D::StateType as State>::Size>
        + Allocator<f64, Msr::MeasurementSize, <S as State>::Size>
        + Allocator<f64, <D::StateType as State>::Size, Msr::MeasurementSize>
        + Allocator<f64, <S as State>::Size, Msr::MeasurementSize>
        + Allocator<f64, <D::StateType as State>::Size, <D::StateType as State>::Size>
        + Allocator<usize, <D::StateType as State>::Size, <D::StateType as State>::Size>
        + Allocator<f64, <D::StateType as State>::VecLength>
        + Allocator<f64, A>
        + Allocator<f64, A, A>
        + Allocator<f64, <D::StateType as State>::Size, A>
        + Allocator<f64, A, <D::StateType as State>::Size>
        + Allocator<f64, <S as State>::Size>
        + Allocator<f64, <S as State>::VecLength>
        + Allocator<f64, <S as State>::Size, <S as State>::Size>
        + Allocator<f64, <S as State>::Size, A>
        + Allocator<f64, A, <S as State>::Size>,
    pub fn ekf(prop: PropInstance<'a, D, E>, kf: K, devices: Vec<N>, trigger: T) -> Self {
        let init_state = prop.state;
        let mut estimates = Vec::with_capacity(10_001);
        Self {
            residuals: Vec::with_capacity(10_000),
            ekf_trigger: trigger,
            simultaneous_msr: false,
            _marker: PhantomData::<A>,

    /// Allows to smooth the provided estimates. Returns the smoothed estimates or an error.
    /// Estimates must be ordered in chronological order. This function will smooth the
    /// estimates from the last in the list to the first one.
    pub fn smooth(&self, condition: SmoothingArc) -> Result<Vec<K::Estimate>, NyxError> {
        let l = self.estimates.len() - 1;

        info!("Smoothing {} estimates until {}", l + 1, condition);
        let mut smoothed = Vec::with_capacity(self.estimates.len());
        // Set the first item of the smoothed estimates to the last estimate (we cannot smooth the very last estimate)

        loop {
            // Borrow the previously smoothed estimate of the k+1 estimate
            let sm_est_kp1 = &self.estimates[l - smoothed.len() + 1];
            let x_kp1_l = sm_est_kp1.state_deviation();
            let p_kp1_l = sm_est_kp1.covar();
            // Borrow the k-th estimate, which we're smoothing with the next estimate
            let est_k = &self.estimates[l - smoothed.len()];
            // Borrow the k+1-th estimate, which we're smoothing with the next estimate
            let est_kp1 = &self.estimates[l - smoothed.len() + 1];

            // Check the smoother stopping condition
            match condition {
                SmoothingArc::Epoch(e) => {
                    // If the epoch of the next estimate is _before_ the stopping time, stop smoothing
                    if est_kp1.epoch() < e {
                SmoothingArc::TimeGap(gap_s) => {
                    if est_kp1.epoch() - est_k.epoch() > gap_s {
                SmoothingArc::Prediction => {
                    if est_kp1.predicted() {
                SmoothingArc::All => {
                    // if est_k.epoch() == est_kp1.epoch() {
                    //     break;
                    // }

            // Compute the STM between both steps taken by the filter
            // The filter will reset the STM between each estimate it computes, time update or measurement update.
            // Therefore, the STM is simply the inverse of the one we used previously.
            // est_kp1 is the estimate that used the STM from time k to time k+1. So the STM stored there
            // is \Phi_{k \to k+1}. Let's invert that.
            let phi_kp1_k = &est_kp1

            // Compute smoothed state deviation
            let x_k_l = phi_kp1_k * x_kp1_l;
            // Compute smoothed covariance
            let p_k_l = phi_kp1_k * p_kp1_l * phi_kp1_k.transpose();
            // Store into vector
            let mut smoothed_est_k = est_k.clone();
            // Compute the smoothed state deviation
            // Compute the smoothed covariance

            // Move on
            if smoothed.len() == self.estimates.len() {

            "Smoothing condition reached after {} estimates ",

        // Now, let's add all of the other estimates so that the same indexing can be done
        // between all the estimates and the smoothed estimates
        if smoothed.len() < self.estimates.len() {
            // Add the estimates that might have been skipped.
            let mut k = self.estimates.len() - smoothed.len();
            loop {
                if k == 0 {
                k -= 1;

        // And reverse to maintain the order of estimates

    /// Returns the root mean square of the prefit residuals
    pub fn rms_prefit_residual(&self) -> f64 {
        let mut sum = 0.0;
        for residual in &self.residuals {
            // sum += residual.prefit.dot(&residual.prefit);
            let mut msr_noise_item_inv: OVector<f64, Msr::MeasurementSize> =
            for i in 0..msr_noise_item_inv.len() {
                msr_noise_item_inv[i] = 1.0 / msr_noise_item_inv[i];
            sum += residual.prefit.dot(&msr_noise_item_inv).powi(2);
        (sum / (self.estimates.len() as f64)).sqrt()

    /// Returns the root mean square of the postfit residuals
    pub fn rms_postfit_residual(&self) -> f64 {
        let mut sum = 0.0;
        for residual in &self.residuals {
            sum += residual.postfit.dot(&residual.postfit);
        (sum / (self.estimates.len() as f64)).sqrt()

    /// Allows iterating on the filter solution. Requires specifying a smoothing condition to know where to stop the smoothing.
    pub fn iterate(&mut self, measurements: &[Msr], config: IterationConf) -> Result<(), NyxError> {
        // Compute the initial RMS
        let mut best_rms = if config.use_prefit {
        } else {
        let mut previous_rms = best_rms;
        let mut divergence_cnt = 0;
        let mut iter_cnt = 0;
        loop {
            if best_rms <= config.absolute_tol {
                info!("*** CONVERGED ***");

                    "Filter converged to absolute tolerance ({:.2e} < {:.2e}) after {} iterations",
                    best_rms, config.absolute_tol, iter_cnt
                return Ok(());

            iter_cnt += 1;

            info!("*** Iteration number {} ***", iter_cnt);

            // First, smooth the estimates
            let smoothed = self.smooth(config.smoother)?;
            // Reset the propagator
            self.prop.state = self.init_state;
            // Empty the estimates and add the first smoothed estimate as the initial estimate
            self.estimates = Vec::with_capacity(measurements.len());
            // And re-run the filter

            // Compute the new RMS
            let new_rms = if config.use_prefit {
            } else {
            let cur_rel_rms = (new_rms - best_rms).abs() / best_rms;
            if cur_rel_rms < config.relative_tol {
                info!("*** CONVERGED ***");
                    "New RMS: {:.5}\tPrevious RMS: {:.5}\tBest RMS: {:.5}",
                    new_rms, previous_rms, best_rms
                    "Filter converged to relative tolerance ({:.2e} < {:.2e}) after {} iterations",
                    cur_rel_rms, config.relative_tol, iter_cnt
                return Ok(());

            if new_rms > previous_rms {
                    "New RMS: {:.5}\tPrevious RMS: {:.5}\tBest RMS: {:.5}",
                    new_rms, previous_rms, best_rms
                divergence_cnt += 1;
                previous_rms = new_rms;
                if divergence_cnt >= config.max_divergences {
                    let msg = format!(
                        "Filter iterations have continuously diverged {} times: {}",
                        config.max_divergences, config
                    if config.force_failure {
                        return Err(NyxError::MaxIterReached(msg));
                    } else {
                        error!("{}", msg);
                        return Ok(());
                } else {
                    warn!("Filter iteration caused divergence {} of {} acceptable subsequent divergences", divergence_cnt, config.max_divergences);
            } else {
                    "New RMS: {:.5}\tPrevious RMS: {:.5}\tBest RMS: {:.5}",
                    new_rms, previous_rms, best_rms
                // Reset the counter
                divergence_cnt = 0;
                previous_rms = new_rms;
                if previous_rms < best_rms {
                    best_rms = previous_rms;

            if iter_cnt >= config.max_iterations {
                let msg = format!(
                    "Filter has iterated {} times but failed to reach filter convergence criteria: {}",
                    config.max_iterations, config
                if config.force_failure {
                    return Err(NyxError::MaxIterReached(msg));
                } else {
                    error!("{}", msg);
                    return Ok(());

    /// Allows processing all measurements with covariance mapping.
    /// WARNING: Measurements **MUST** be ordered in positive chronological time.
    pub fn process_measurements(&mut self, measurements: &[Msr]) -> Result<(), NyxError> {
            "must have at least one measurement"
        // Start by propagating the estimator (on the same thread).
        let num_msrs = measurements.len();

        let prop_time = measurements[num_msrs - 1].epoch() - self.kf.previous_estimate().epoch();
        info!("Navigation propagating for a total of {}", prop_time);

        let mut dt = self.prop.state.epoch();

        let mut reported = vec![false; 11];
            "Processing {} measurements with covariance mapping",

        // In the following, we'll continuously tell the propagator to advance by a single step until the next measurement.
        // This is effectively a clone of the "for_duration" function of the propagator.
        // However, after every step of the propagator, we will perform a time update and reset the STM.
        // This ensures that we have a time update every time the propagator error function says that the integration would
        // be wrong if the step would be larger. Moreover, we will reset the STM to ensure that the state transition matrix
        // stays linear (the error control function may verify this).

        for (msr_cnt, msr) in measurements.iter().enumerate() {
            let next_msr_epoch = msr.epoch();

            // Advance the propagator
            loop {
                let delta_t = next_msr_epoch - dt;
                if self.prop.details.step < delta_t {
                    // Do a single step and (probably) a time update, but we'll see that later
                } else if delta_t.in_seconds() > 0.0 {
                    // Take one final step of exactly the needed duration until the next measurement

                // Now that we've advanced the propagator, let's see whether we're at the time of the next measurement.

                // Extract the state and update the STM in the filter.
                let nominal_state = S::extract(self.prop.state);
                // Get the datetime and info needed to compute the theoretical measurement according to the model
                dt = nominal_state.epoch();

                if nominal_state.epoch() == next_msr_epoch {
                    // Perform a measurement update

                    // Get the computed observations
                    for device in self.devices.iter() {
                        if let Some(computed_meas) = device.measure(&nominal_state) {
                            if computed_meas.visible() {

                                // Switch back from extended if necessary
                                if self.kf.is_extended() && self.ekf_trigger.disable_ekf(dt) {
                                    info!("EKF disabled @ {}", dt);

                                match self.kf.measurement_update(
                                ) {
                                    Ok((est, res)) => {
                                        trace!("msr update #{} @ {}", msr_cnt, dt);
                                        // Switch to EKF if necessary, and update the dynamics and such
                                        // Note: we call enable_ekf first to ensure that the trigger gets
                                        // called in case it needs to save some information (e.g. the
                                        // StdEkfTrigger needs to store the time of the previous measurement).
                                        if self.ekf_trigger.enable_ekf(&est)
                                            && !self.kf.is_extended()
                                            if !est.within_3sigma() {
                                                warn!("EKF enabled @ {} but filter DIVERGING", dt);
                                            } else {
                                                info!("EKF enabled @ {}", dt);
                                        if self.kf.is_extended() {
                                            self.prop.state =
                                                self.prop.state + est.state_deviation();
                                    Err(e) => return Err(e),

                                // If we do not have simultaneous measurements from different devices
                                // then we don't need to check the visibility from other devices
                                // if one is in visibility.
                                if !self.simultaneous_msr {

                    let msr_prct = (10.0 * (msr_cnt as f64) / (num_msrs as f64)) as usize;
                    if !reported[msr_prct] {
                            "{:>3}% done ({:.0} measurements processed)",
                            10 * msr_prct,
                        reported[msr_prct] = true;

                } else {
                    // No measurement can be used here, let's just do a time update
                    trace!("time update {}", dt);
                    match self.kf.time_update(nominal_state) {
                        Ok(est) => {
                            // State deviation is always zero for an EKF time update
                            // therefore we don't do anything different for an extended filter
                        Err(e) => return Err(e),

        // Always report the 100% mark
        if !reported[10] {
            info!("{:>3}% done ({:.0} measurements processed)", 100, num_msrs);


    /// Allows for covariance mapping without processing measurements
    pub fn map_covar(&mut self, end_epoch: Epoch) -> Result<(), NyxError> {
        let prop_time = end_epoch - self.kf.previous_estimate().epoch();
            "Propagating for {} seconds and mapping covariance",

        loop {
            let mut dt = self.prop.state.epoch();
            if dt + self.prop.details.step > end_epoch {
            } else {
            // Perform time update

            // Extract the state and update the STM in the filter.
            let prop_state = self.prop.state;
            let nominal_state = S::extract(prop_state);
            // Get the datetime and info needed to compute the theoretical measurement according to the model
            dt = nominal_state.epoch();
            // No measurement can be used here, let's just do a time update
            trace!("time update {}", dt);
            match self.kf.time_update(nominal_state) {
                Ok(est) => {
                    // State deviation is always zero for an EKF time update
                    // therefore we don't do anything different for an extended filter
                Err(e) => return Err(e),
            if dt == end_epoch {


    /// Builds the navigation trajectory for the estimated state only (no covariance until https://gitlab.com/nyx-space/nyx/-/issues/199!)
    pub fn to_traj(&self) -> Result<Traj<S>, NyxError>
        DefaultAllocator: Allocator<f64, <S as State>::VecLength>,
        S: InterpState,
        if self.estimates.is_empty() {
                "No navigation trajectory to generate: run the OD process first".to_string(),
        } else {
            todo!("generating a navigation trajectory #199");
            // use std::sync::mpsc::channel;
            // let (tx, rx) = channel();
            // let start_state = self.estimates[0].state();
            // for estimate in &self.estimates {
            //     tx.send(estimate.state()).unwrap();
            // }
            // Traj::new(start_state, rx)

        D: Dynamics,
        E: ErrorCtrl,
        Msr: Measurement<State = S>,
        N: MeasurementDevice<S, Msr>,
        A: DimName,
        S: EstimateFrom<D::StateType>,
        K: Filter<S, A, Msr::MeasurementSize>,
    > ODProcess<'a, D, E, Msr, N, CkfTrigger, A, S, K>
    D::StateType: Add<OVector<f64, <S as State>::Size>, Output = D::StateType>,
    DefaultAllocator: Allocator<f64, <D::StateType as State>::Size>
        + Allocator<f64, <D::StateType as State>::VecLength>
        + Allocator<f64, Msr::MeasurementSize>
        + Allocator<f64, Msr::MeasurementSize, S::Size>
        + Allocator<f64, S::Size>
        + Allocator<f64, Msr::MeasurementSize, Msr::MeasurementSize>
        + Allocator<f64, Msr::MeasurementSize, <D::StateType as State>::Size>
        + Allocator<f64, <D::StateType as State>::Size, Msr::MeasurementSize>
        + Allocator<f64, <S as State>::Size, Msr::MeasurementSize>
        + Allocator<f64, Msr::MeasurementSize, <S as State>::Size>
        + Allocator<f64, <D::StateType as State>::Size, <D::StateType as State>::Size>
        + Allocator<usize, <D::StateType as State>::Size, <D::StateType as State>::Size>
        + Allocator<f64, <S as State>::Size>
        + Allocator<f64, <S as State>::VecLength>
        + Allocator<f64, <S as State>::Size, <S as State>::Size>
        + Allocator<f64, A>
        + Allocator<f64, A, A>
        + Allocator<f64, <D::StateType as State>::Size, A>
        + Allocator<f64, A, <D::StateType as State>::Size>
        + Allocator<f64, <S as State>::Size, A>
        + Allocator<f64, A, <S as State>::Size>,
    pub fn ckf(prop: PropInstance<'a, D, E>, kf: K, devices: Vec<N>) -> Self {
        let init_state = prop.state;
        let mut estimates = Vec::with_capacity(10_001);
        Self {
            simultaneous_msr: false,
            residuals: Vec::with_capacity(10_000),
            ekf_trigger: CkfTrigger {},
            _marker: PhantomData::<A>,
/// A trait detailing when to switch to from a CKF to an EKF
pub trait EkfTrigger {
    fn enable_ekf<T: State, E>(&mut self, est: &E) -> bool
        E: Estimate<T>,
        DefaultAllocator: Allocator<f64, <T as State>::Size>
            + Allocator<f64, <T as State>::VecLength>
            + Allocator<f64, <T as State>::Size, <T as State>::Size>;

    /// Return true if the filter should not longer be as extended.
    /// By default, this returns false, i.e. when a filter has been switched to an EKF, it will
    /// remain as such.
    fn disable_ekf(&mut self, _epoch: Epoch) -> bool {

    /// If some iteration configuration is returned, the filter will iterate with it before enabling the EKF.
    fn interation_config(&self) -> Option<IterationConf> {

/// CkfTrigger will never switch a KF to an EKF
pub struct CkfTrigger;

impl EkfTrigger for CkfTrigger {
    fn enable_ekf<T: State, E>(&mut self, _est: &E) -> bool
        E: Estimate<T>,
        DefaultAllocator: Allocator<f64, <T as State>::Size>
            + Allocator<f64, <T as State>::VecLength>
            + Allocator<f64, <T as State>::Size, <T as State>::Size>,

/// An EkfTrigger on the number of measurements processed and a time between measurements.
pub struct StdEkfTrigger {
    pub num_msrs: usize,
    /// In seconds!
    pub disable_time: Duration,
    /// Set to the sigma number needed to switch to the EKF (cf. 68–95–99.7 rule). If number is negative, this is ignored.
    pub within_sigma: f64,
    prev_msr_dt: Option<Epoch>,
    cur_msrs: usize,

impl StdEkfTrigger {
    pub fn new(num_msrs: usize, disable_time: Duration) -> Self {
        Self {
            within_sigma: -1.0,
            prev_msr_dt: None,
            cur_msrs: 0,

impl EkfTrigger for StdEkfTrigger {
    fn enable_ekf<T: State, E>(&mut self, est: &E) -> bool
        E: Estimate<T>,
        DefaultAllocator: Allocator<f64, <T as State>::Size>
            + Allocator<f64, <T as State>::VecLength>
            + Allocator<f64, <T as State>::Size, <T as State>::Size>,
        if !est.predicted() {
            // If this isn't a prediction, let's update the previous measurement time
            self.prev_msr_dt = Some(est.epoch());
        self.cur_msrs += 1;
        self.cur_msrs >= self.num_msrs
            && ((self.within_sigma > 0.0 && est.within_sigma(self.within_sigma))
                || self.within_sigma <= 0.0)

    fn disable_ekf(&mut self, epoch: Epoch) -> bool {
        // Return true if there is a prev msr dt, and the next measurement time is more than the disable time seconds away
        match self.prev_msr_dt {
            Some(prev_dt) => {
                if (epoch - prev_dt).abs() > self.disable_time {
                    self.cur_msrs = 0;
                } else {
            None => false,