nyx-space 1.1.1

A high-fidelity space mission toolkit, with orbit propagation, estimation and some systems engineering
    Nyx, blazing fast astrodynamics
    Copyright (C) 2022 Christopher Rabotin <christopher.rabotin@gmail.com>

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
    by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

extern crate hyperdual;

use self::hyperdual::{OHyperdual, Owned};
use crate::cosmic::Orbit;
use crate::linalg::allocator::Allocator;
use crate::linalg::{DefaultAllocator, DimName, Matrix3, OMatrix, OVector, Vector3};
use crate::State;

use std::fmt;

pub use crate::errors::NyxError;

/// The orbital module handles all Cartesian based orbital dynamics.
/// It is up to the engineer to ensure that the coordinate frames of the different dynamics borrowed
/// from this module match, or perform the appropriate coordinate transformations.
pub mod orbital;
pub use self::orbital::*;

/// The gravity module handles spherical harmonics only. It _must_ be combined with a OrbitalDynamics dynamics
/// This module allows loading gravity models from [PDS](http://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/), [EGM2008](http://earth-info.nga.mil/GandG/wgs84/gravitymod/egm2008/) and GMAT's own COF files.
// pub mod gravity;

/// The drag module handles drag in a very basic fashion. Do not use for high fidelity dynamics.
// pub mod drag;

/// The spacecraft module allows for simulation of spacecraft dynamics in general, including propulsion/maneuvers.
pub mod spacecraft;
pub use self::spacecraft::*;

/// Defines a few examples of guidance laws.
pub mod guidance;

/// Defines some velocity change controllers.
pub mod deltavctrl;

/// Defines solar radiation pressure models
pub mod solarpressure;
pub use self::solarpressure::*;

/// Define drag models
pub mod drag;
pub use self::drag::*;

/// Define the spherical harmonic models.
pub mod sph_harmonics;
pub use self::sph_harmonics::*;

/// Defines the Exponentially Correlated Random Variable dynamics
// pub mod ecrv;
// pub use self::ecrv::*;

/// The `Dynamics` trait handles and stores any equation of motion *and* the state is integrated.
/// Its design is such that several of the provided dynamics can be combined fairly easily. However,
/// when combining the dynamics (e.g. integrating both the attitude of a spaceraft and its orbital
///  parameters), it is up to the implementor to handle time and state organization correctly.
/// For time management, I highly recommend using `hifitime` which is thoroughly validated.
pub trait Dynamics: Clone + Sync + Send
    DefaultAllocator: Allocator<f64, <Self::StateType as State>::Size>
        + Allocator<f64, <Self::StateType as State>::VecLength>
        + Allocator<f64, <Self::StateType as State>::Size, <Self::StateType as State>::Size>,
    /// The state of the associated hyperdual state, almost always StateType + U1
    type HyperdualSize: DimName;
    type StateType: State;

    /// Defines the equations of motion for these dynamics, or a combination of provided dynamics.
    /// The time delta_t is in **seconds** PAST the context epoch. The state vector is the state which
    /// changes for every intermediate step of the integration. The state context is the state of
    /// what is being propagated, it should allow rebuilding a new state context from the
    /// provided state vector.
    fn eom(
        delta_t: f64,
        state_vec: &OVector<f64, <Self::StateType as State>::VecLength>,
        state_ctx: &Self::StateType,
    ) -> Result<OVector<f64, <Self::StateType as State>::VecLength>, NyxError>
        DefaultAllocator: Allocator<f64, <Self::StateType as State>::VecLength>;

    /// Defines the equations of motion for Dual numbers for these dynamics.
    /// _All_ dynamics need to allow for automatic differentiation. However, if differentiation is not supported,
    /// then the dynamics should prevent initialization with a context which has an STM defined.
    fn dual_eom(
        _delta_t: f64,
        _osculating_state: &Self::StateType,
    ) -> Result<
            OVector<f64, <Self::StateType as State>::Size>,
            OMatrix<f64, <Self::StateType as State>::Size, <Self::StateType as State>::Size>,
        DefaultAllocator: Allocator<f64, Self::HyperdualSize>
            + Allocator<f64, <Self::StateType as State>::Size>
            + Allocator<f64, <Self::StateType as State>::Size, <Self::StateType as State>::Size>
            + Allocator<OHyperdual<f64, Self::HyperdualSize>, <Self::StateType as State>::Size>,
        Owned<f64, Self::HyperdualSize>: Copy,

    /// Optionally performs some final changes after each successful integration of the equations of motion.
    /// For example, this can be used to update the Guidance mode.
    /// NOTE: This function is also called just prior to very first integration step in order to update the initial state if needed.
    fn finally(&self, next_state: Self::StateType) -> Result<Self::StateType, NyxError> {

/// The `ForceModel` trait handles immutable dynamics which return a force. Those will be divided by the mass of the spacecraft to compute the acceleration (F = ma).
/// Examples include Solar Radiation Pressure, drag, etc., i.e. forces which do not need to save the current state, only act on it.
pub trait ForceModel<X: SpacecraftExt>: Send + Sync + fmt::Display {
    /// Defines the equations of motion for this force model from the provided osculating state.
    fn eom(&self, ctx: &BaseSpacecraft<X>) -> Result<Vector3<f64>, NyxError>;

    /// Force models must implement their partials, although those will only be called if the propagation requires the
    /// computation of the STM. The `osc_ctx` is the osculating context, i.e. it changes for each sub-step of the integrator.
    fn dual_eom(
        osc_ctx: &BaseSpacecraft<X>,
    ) -> Result<(Vector3<f64>, Matrix3<f64>), NyxError>;

/// The `AccelModel` trait handles immutable dynamics which return an acceleration. Those can be added directly to Orbital Dynamics for example.
/// Examples include spherical harmonics, i.e. accelerations which do not need to save the current state, only act on it.
pub trait AccelModel: Send + Sync + fmt::Display {
    /// Defines the equations of motion for this force model from the provided osculating state in the integration frame.
    fn eom(&self, osc: &Orbit) -> Result<Vector3<f64>, NyxError>;

    /// Acceleration models must implement their partials, although those will only be called if the propagation requires the
    /// computation of the STM.
    fn dual_eom(&self, osc_ctx: &Orbit) -> Result<(Vector3<f64>, Matrix3<f64>), NyxError>;