[][src]Module nyx_space::dynamics

Provides several dynamics used for orbital mechanics and attitude dynamics, which can be elegantly combined.

Simple two body propagation

extern crate nalgebra as na;
extern crate hifitime;
extern crate nyx_space as nyx;

fn main() {
    use nyx::propagators::*;
    use nyx::celestia::{State, EARTH, ECI};
    use nyx::dynamics::Dynamics;
    use nyx::dynamics::celestial::TwoBody;
    use self::na::Vector6;
    use std::f64;
    use hifitime::SECONDS_PER_DAY;
    use hifitime::julian::ModifiedJulian;

    let prop_time = 24.0 * 3_600.0;
    let accuracy = 1e-12;
    let min_step = 0.1;
    let max_step = 60.0;

    let dt = ModifiedJulian { days: 21545.0 };
    let initial_state = State::from_cartesian_eci(-2436.45, -2436.45, 6891.037, 5.088611, -5.088611, 0.0, dt);

    println!("Initial state:\n{0}\n{0:o}\n", initial_state);

    let rslt = State::from_cartesian_eci(
        ModifiedJulian { days: 21546.0 }

    let mut prop = Propagator::new::<RK89>(&Options::with_adaptive_step(min_step, max_step, accuracy));
    let mut dyn = TwoBody::from_state_vec::<EARTH>(initial_state.to_cartesian_vec());
    prop.until_time_elapsed(prop_time, &mut dyn, error_ctrl::rss_step_pos_vel);

    let final_dt = ModifiedJulian {
        days: dt.days + dyn.time() / SECONDS_PER_DAY,
    let final_state = State::from_cartesian_vec::<EARTH, ModifiedJulian>(&dyn.state(), final_dt, ECI {});
    assert_eq!(final_state, rslt, "two body prop failed",);

    println!("Final state:\n{0}\n{0:o}", final_state);

Combining dynamics in a full spacecraft model.

extern crate nalgebra as na;
extern crate hifitime;
extern crate nyx_space as nyx;

// Warning: this is arguably a bad example: attitude dynamics very significantly
// faster than orbital mechanics. Hence you really should use different propagators
// for the attitude and orbital position and velocity.
// If you run this example, you'll notice that the step size used ends up being absolutely tiny
// which is needed for the attitude, but not for the astrodynamics (on my machine I'm at 0.04376 seconds).
use self::nyx::dynamics::Dynamics;
use self::nyx::dynamics::celestial::TwoBody;
use self::nyx::dynamics::momentum::AngularMom;
use self::nyx::celestia::{State, EARTH, ECI};
use self::nyx::propagators::{error_ctrl, CashKarp45, Options, Propagator};
use self::na::{Matrix3, U3, U6, U9, Vector3, Vector6, VectorN};
use std::f64;
use hifitime::julian::ModifiedJulian;

// In the following struct, we only store the dynamics because this is only a proof
// of concept. An engineer could add more useful information to this struct, such
// as a short cut to the position or an attitude.
pub struct PosVelAttMom<'a> {
    pub twobody: TwoBody<'a>,
    pub momentum: AngularMom,

impl<'a> Dynamics for PosVelAttMom<'a> {
    type StateSize = U9;
    fn time(&self) -> f64 {
        // Both dynamical models have the same time because they share the propagator.

    fn state(&self) -> VectorN<f64, Self::StateSize> {
        let twobody_state = self.twobody.state();
        let momentum_state = self.momentum.state();
        // We're channing both states to create a combined state.
        // The most important part here is make sure that the `state` and `set_state` handle the state in the same order.
        <VectorN<f64, U9>>::from_iterator(

    fn set_state(&mut self, new_t: f64, new_state: &VectorN<f64, Self::StateSize>) {
            .set_state(new_t, &new_state.fixed_rows::<U6>(0).into_owned());
            .set_state(new_t, &new_state.fixed_rows::<U3>(6).into_owned());

    fn eom(&self, _t: f64, state: &VectorN<f64, Self::StateSize>) -> VectorN<f64, Self::StateSize> {
        let dpos_vel_dt = self.twobody
            .eom(_t, &state.fixed_rows::<U6>(0).into_owned());
        let domega_dt = self.momentum
            .eom(_t, &state.fixed_rows::<U3>(6).into_owned());
        <VectorN<f64, U9>>::from_iterator(dpos_vel_dt.iter().chain(domega_dt.iter()).cloned())

// Let's initialize our combined dynamics.
fn main() {
    let prop_time = 3_600.0;
    let accuracy = 1e-13;
    let min_step = 0.01;
    let max_step = 60.0;

    let dyn_twobody = TwoBody::from_state_vec::<EARTH>(Vector6::new(
        -2436.45, -2436.45, 6891.037, 5.088611, -5.088611, 0.0,
    let omega = Vector3::new(0.1, 0.4, -0.2);
    let tensor = Matrix3::new(10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0);
    let dyn_mom = AngularMom::from_tensor_matrix(&tensor, &omega);

    let mut full_model = PosVelAttMom {
        twobody: dyn_twobody,
        momentum: dyn_mom,

    let init_momentum = full_model.momentum.momentum().norm();
    let mom_tolerance = 1e-8;

    // And now let's define the propagator and propagate for a short amount of time.
    let mut prop =
        Propagator::new::<CashKarp45>(&Options::with_adaptive_step(min_step, max_step, accuracy));

    prop.until_time_elapsed(prop_time, &mut full_model, error_ctrl::largest_error::<U9>);

    let prev_details = prop.latest_details().clone();
    println!("{:?}", prev_details);
    if prev_details.error > accuracy {
            prev_details.step - min_step < f64::EPSILON,
            "step size should be at its minimum because error is higher than tolerance: {:?}",

    let delta_mom = ((full_model.momentum.momentum().norm() - init_momentum) / init_momentum).abs();
    if delta_mom > mom_tolerance {
            "angular momentum prop failed: momentum changed by {:e} (> {:e})",
            delta_mom, mom_tolerance

    println!("Final momentum: {:?}", full_model.momentum.momentum());

        "Final orbital state:\n{0}\n{0:o}",
        State::from_cartesian_vec::<EARTH, ModifiedJulian>(
            ModifiedJulian { days: 21545.0 },
            ECI {}



The celestial module handles all Cartesian based dynamics.


The drag module handles drag in a very basic fashion. Do not use for high fidelity dynamics.


The gravity module handles spherical harmonics only. It must be combined with a TwoBody dynamics


The angular momentum module handles all angular momentum dynamics.



The Dynamics trait handles and stores any equation of motion and the state is integrated.