nyst 0.5.0

A simple to use parser library

Nyst is a parser combinator library for Rust.

Nyst is a parser combinator library focused on simplicity while being robust. Other parser libraries like nom are complicated with convoluted syntax, while Nyst keeps operations simple.


Below is code to parse hex color codes, similar to the provided example in nom.

// examples/hex.rs
use nyst::parser::{AndParser, LiteralParser, RangeParser};
use nyst::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    let data = b"#bf2b49".to_vec();
    let color = HexCodeParser {}.parse(data.as_slice()).unwrap().0;
    println!("input: {:?}\noutput: {:?}", data, color);
    assert_eq!(color.red, 191);
    assert_eq!(color.green, 43);
    assert_eq!(color.blue, 73);

struct Color {
    pub red: u8,
    pub green: u8,
    pub blue: u8,

struct HexCodeParser {}
impl<'parser> Parser<'parser> for HexCodeParser {
    type Input = u8;
    type Output = Color;

    fn parse(&self, data: &'parser [Self::Input]) -> ParseResult<Self::Output> {
        let start_hash = LiteralParser::new(b'#');
        let hex_to_byte = HexToByteParser {};
        let three_hex_pairs = RangeParser::repetitions(&hex_to_byte, 3);
        let result = AndParser::new(&start_hash, &three_hex_pairs).parse(data)?;

        let (result, units_read) = result;
            Color {
                red: result.1[0],
                green: result.1[1],
                blue: result.1[2],

struct HexToByteParser {}
impl<'parser> Parser<'parser> for HexToByteParser {
    type Input = u8;
    type Output = u8;

    fn parse(&self, data: &'parser [Self::Input]) -> ParseResult<Self::Output> {
        if data.len() < 2 {
            return Err(ParseError::NotEnoughData);
        let data_str = std::str::from_utf8(&data[0..2]);
        if data_str.is_err() {
            return Err(ParseError::InvalidData);
        let value = u8::from_str_radix(data_str.unwrap(), 16);
        if value.is_err() {
            return Err(ParseError::InvalidData);
        Ok((value.unwrap(), 2))