nvml-wrapper 0.2.0

A complete, safe, and ergonomic Rust wrapper for the NVIDIA Management Library.


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A complete, safe, and ergonomic Rust wrapper for the NVIDIA Management Library (NVML), a C-based programmatic interface for monitoring and managing various states within NVIDIA (primarily Tesla) GPUs.

let nvml = NVML::init()?;
// Get the first `Device` (GPU) in the system
let device = nvml.device_by_index(0)?;

let brand = device.brand()?; // GeForce on my system
let fan_speed = device.fan_speed()?; // Currently 17% on my system
let power_limit = device.enforced_power_limit()?; // 275k milliwatts on my system
let encoder_util = device.encoder_utilization()?; // Currently 0 on my system; Not encoding anything
let memory_info = device.memory_info()?; // Currently 1.63/6.37 GB used on my system

// ... and there's a whole lot more you can do. Everything in NVML is wrapped and ready to go

NVML is intended to be a platform for building 3rd-party applications, and is also the underlying library for NVIDIA's nvidia-smi tool.


The NVML library comes with the NVIDIA drivers and is essentially present on any system with a functioning NVIDIA graphics card. The compilation steps vary between Windows and Linux, however.


The NVML library dll can be found at %ProgramW6432%\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMI\ (which is C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMI\ on my machine). You will need to add this folder to your PATH in order to have everything work properly at runtime; alternatively, place a copy of the dll in the same folder as your executable.


The NVML library can be found at /usr/lib/nvidia-<driver-version>/libnvidia-ml.so; on my system with driver version 375.51 installed, this puts the library at /usr/lib/nvidia-375/libnvidia-ml.so. You will need to create a symbolic link:

sudo ln -s /usr/lib/nvidia-<driver-version>/libnvidia-ml.so /usr/lib

NVML Support

This wrapper has been developed against and is currently supporting NVML version 8. Each new version of NVML is guaranteed to be backwards-compatible according to NVIDIA, so this wrapper should continue to work without issue regardless of NVML version bumps.

Rustc Support

Currently supports rustc 1.18.0 or greater. The target version is the latest stable version; I do not intend to pin to an older one at any time.

A small amount of NVML features involve dealing with untagged unions over FFI; a rustc nightly-only type is used in order to facilitate this. If you require use of the nightly-only functionality, compile with the nightly feature toggled on (and of course, with a nightly compiler):

cargo build --features "nightly"

Cargo Features

The nightly feature can be toggled on to enable nightly-only features; read above.

The serde feature can be toggled on in order to #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] for every NVML data structure.


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