nut-client 0.0.4

Network UPS Tools (NUT) client library
# nut-client

[![MIT licensed](](./LICENSE)

A [Network UPS Tools]( (NUT) client library for Rust.

- Connect to `upsd`/`nut-server` using TCP
- Login with with username and password
- List UPS devices
- List variables for a UPS device

## ⚠️ Safety Goggles Required ⚠️

Do not use this library with critical UPS devices. This library is in early development and I cannot
guarantee that it won't mess up your UPS configurations, and potentially cause catastrophic failure to your hardware.

Be careful and stay safe!

## Example

Check out the `examples` directory for more advanced examples.

use std::env;
use std::net::ToSocketAddrs;

use nut_client::blocking::Connection;
use nut_client::{Auth, ConfigBuilder, Host};

fn main() -> nut_client::Result<()> {
    let addr = env::var("NUT_ADDR")
        .unwrap_or_else(|_| "localhost:3493".into())

    let username = env::var("NUT_USER").ok();
    let password = env::var("NUT_PASSWORD").ok();
    let auth =|username| Auth::new(username, password));

    let config = ConfigBuilder::new()

    let mut conn = Connection::new(config)?;

    // Print a list of all UPS devices
    println!("Connected UPS devices:");
    for (name, description) in conn.list_ups()? {
        println!("\t- Name: {}", name);
        println!("\t  Description: {}", description);

        // List UPS variables (key = val)
        println!("\t  Variables:");
        for var in conn.list_vars(&name)? {
            println!("\t\t- {}", var);
