Module numpy::npyiter[][src]

Expand description

Wrapper of Array Iterator API.

This module exposes two iterators: NpySingleIter and NpyMultiIter.


An iterator over multiple arrays, construced by NpyMultiIterBuilder. You can add NpyMultiIterBuilder::add_readwrite for adding a mutable component to the iterator, and NpyMultiIterBuilder::add_readonly for adding a immutable one.

Builder for NpyMultiIter.

An iterator over a single array, construced by NpySingleIterBuilder. This iterator iterates all elements in the array as &mut T (in case readwrite is used) or &T (in case readonly is used).

Builder of NpySingleIter.

Represents the iterator mode where the last array is readonly.

Represents the iterator mode where the last array is readwrite.


Flags for constructing an iterator. For the meanings of each flag, readers can refer to the numpy document.


Iterator mode for single iterator

A combinator type that represents the mode of an iterator (E.g., Readonly, ReadWrite, Readonly + ReadWrite).

Represents the iterator mode where at least two arrays are iterated.

Type Definitions

Implies Readwrite iterator.

Implies Readonly iterator.