numid 0.2.6

A macro for generating structures which behave like numerical id.


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This crate provide the numid! macro for generating structures which behave like numerical id.


use numid::numid;

numid!(pub struct MyId -> 10);

fn main() {
    let id1 = MyId::new();
    let id2 = MyId::new();

    assert!(id2 > id1);
    assert_eq!(id1.value(), 11);
    assert_eq!(id2.value(), 12);


Add this to your Cargo.toml :

numid = "0.2"

You can now create all the ids you want in your programs :

use numid::numid;

numid!(struct Id); // basic id
numid!(pub struct Id2); // public
numid!(pub(crate) struct Id3); // restricted public
numid!(#[doc(hidden)] struct Id4); // with attribut
numid!(struct Id5 -> 100); // init const specified
numid!(struct Id6(u128)); // type specified
numid!(#[doc(hidden)] pub struct Id7(u32) -> 10); // all the thing you can want

Consult the documentation for more information.

TODO list

  • serde feature