numeric 0.1.4

N-dimensional matrix class for Rust

There are many things that can be done to extend Numeric. These are some of the
more immediately useful things. Feel free to pick one and start working on a PR.

## Core

* Make `index_set` faster
* Make `index_set` broadcastable
* Make elementwise ops that move tensors broadcastable
* Make elementwise binary functions broadcastable
* Extensive testing and units tests for complex numbers
* Improve display function
  * Display higher-dimensional
  * Align at periods
  * Make it prettier

## Tensor functions

* Make math functions broadcastable

## Sorting and searching

* Sort
* Argsort
* Find indices based on condition

## Linear algebra

* Unit tests for `solve`, `dot` and `diag`
* Matrix inverse and pseudo-inverse
* Determinant
* Condition number
* Trace

## Random number generation

* Multivariate normal
* Shuffle

## Interop

* Numpy
* C

## Documentation

* Create chapters
  * Basic creation
  * Copy-on-write and move semantics
  * Indexing
* Create logo
* Improve landing page at