Crate numeric_array [] [src]

numeric-array is a wrapper around generic-array that adds efficient numeric trait implementations, often times making use of SIMD instructions and compile-time evaluations.

All stable std::ops traits are implemented for NumericArray itself, plus the thin NumericConstant type, which is required to differeniate constant values from NumericArray itself.

Additionally, most of num_traits are implemented, including Num itself. So you can even use a whole array as a generic number.


extern crate generic_array;
extern crate numeric_array;

use numeric_array::NumericArray;

fn main() {
    let a = narr![i32; 1, 3, 5, 7];
    let b = narr![i32; 2, 4, 6, 8];

    let c = a + b * nconstant!(2);

    assert_eq!(c, narr![i32; 5, 11, 17, 23]);

When used with RUSTFLAGS = "-C opt-level=3 -C target-cpu=native", then Rust and LLVM are smart enough to turn almost all operations into SIMD instructions, or even just evaluate them at compile time. The above example is actually evaluated at compile time, so if you were to view the assembly it would show the result only. Rust is pretty smart.

Therefore, this is ideal for situations where simple component-wise operations are required for arrays.



Sugar for NumericArray::new(arr![...])


Creates a new NumericConstant from the given expression.



A numeric wrapper for a GenericArray, allowing for easy numerical operations on the whole sequence.


This is required to allow NumericArray to be operated on by both other NumericArray instances and constants, with generic types, because some type U supercedes NumericArray<U, N>



Defines a NumericSequence which can be lengthened or extended by appending an element to the end of it.


Defines any NumericArray type as its element and length types


Defines a NumericSequence which can be shortened by removing the last element in it.