num_enum 0.2.0

Procedural macros to make inter-operation between primitives and enums easier.


Procedural macros to make inter-operation between primitives and enums easier. Documentation Build Status

Turning an enum into a primitive

use num_enum::IntoPrimitive;

enum Number {

fn convert() {
    let zero: u8 = Number::Zero.into();
    assert_eq!(zero, 0u8);

num_enum's IntoPrimitive is more type-safe than using as, because as will silently truncate - num_enum only derives From for exactly the discriminant type of the enum.

Turning a primitive into an enum with try_from

use num_enum::TryFromPrimitive;
use std::convert::TryInto;

#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, TryFromPrimitive)]
enum Number {

fn convert() {
    let zero: Number = 0u8.try_into().unwrap();
    assert_eq!(zero, Ok(Number::Zero));

    let three: Result<Number, String> = 3u8.try_into();
    assert_eq!(three, Err("No value in enum Number for value 3".to_owned()));

Optional features

Some enum values may be composed of complex expressions, for example:

enum Number {
    Zero: (0, 1).0,
    One: (0, 1),1,

To cut down on compile time, these are not supported by default, but if you enable the complex-expressions feature of your dependency on num_enum, these should start working.