num 0.1.42

A collection of numeric types and traits for Rust, including bigint, complex, rational, range iterators, generic integers, and more!

set -ex

echo Testing num on rustc ${TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION}

# num should build and test everywhere.
cargo build --verbose
cargo test --verbose

# It should build with minimal features too.
cargo build --no-default-features
cargo test --no-default-features

# Each isolated feature should also work everywhere.
for feature in bigint complex rational rustc-serialize serde; do
  cargo build --verbose --no-default-features --features="$feature"
  cargo test --verbose --no-default-features --features="$feature"

# Downgrade serde and build test the 0.7.0 channel as well
cargo update -p serde --precise 0.7.0
cargo build --verbose --features "serde"