num-format 0.1.0

A Rust crate for producing string-representations of numbers, formatted according to international standards
# num-format

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A Rust crate for producing string-representations of numbers, formatted according to international standards,
- `"1,000,000"` for US English
- `"10,00,000"` for Indian English
- `"1 000 000"` for French French

## Picking a format

Formatting options (e.g. which thousands separator to use, what the minus sign looks like, etc.) are represented by
the [`Format`] trait. This crate offers three concrete implementations of the [`Format`] trait...

#### `Locale`

The [`Locale`] type is a programatically generated enum representing formatting standards from the
[Common Locale Data Repository], which is maintained by the [Unicode Consortium] and used by Apple in macOS and iOS,
by LibreOffice, by IBM in AIX, among others.

use num_format::format::{Format, Locale};

fn main() {
    let format = Locale::en;
    assert_eq!(format.decimal(), '.');;
    assert_eq!(format.minus_sign(), "-");
    assert_eq!(format.separator(), Some(','))
    // ...

#### `Environment`

The [`Environment`] type allows you to access your system's locale settings via the `LC_ALL` environment variable.
If you're familiar with C, it pulls system information using the [`setlocale`] and [`localeconv`] functions in the C
standard library. For more details, see [`Environment`].

#### `CustomFormat`

Allows for the creation of your own, custom format. For more details, see [`CustomFormat`].

## Creating a string representation

Once you have selected a format, you can turn number types into formatted string representations via
any of three principle APIs...

#### `ToFormattedString`

Using the [`ToFormattedString`] trait is the simplist API, just call [`to_formatted_string`] on a type that implements
it (all the number types in the standard library implement it) with a desired format. That said, using
[`ToFormattedString`] will always heap allocate; so it is the slowest of the three APIs and cannot be used in a
`no_std` environment.

use num_format::ToFormattedString;
use num_format::format::Locale;

fn main() {
    let s = 1000000.to_formatted_string(&Locale::en);
    assert_eq!(&s, "1,000,000");

#### `Buffer`

Using the [`Buffer`] type is the fastest API, as it does **not** heap allocate. Instead, the formatted representation
is written into a stack-allocated buffer. As such, you can use it in a `no_std` environment.

Although this API is available for all the number types in the standard library, it is **not** available
for third party types like [`num_bigint::BigInt`] since their maximum size cannot be known in advance.

use num_format::Buffer;
use num_format::format::Locale;

fn main() {
    // Create a stack-allocated buffer...
    let mut buf = Buffer::default();

    // Write '"1,000,000"' into the buffer...
    buf.write_formatted(&1000000, &Locale::en);

    assert_eq!(buf.as_str(), "1,000,000");

#### `WriteFormatted`

The [`WriteFormatted`] trait is in between the other two APIs. You can write a formatted representation into
any type that implements [`WriteFormatted`] (all the types in the standard library that implement [`io::Write`] or
[`fmt::Write`] implement it, such as [`Vec`], [`String`], [`File`], etc.).

If you're writing a number type that can use the [`Buffer`] API (e.g. any number type in the standard library), there
is **no** heap allocation. That said, you can also use this API with types where the [`Buffer`] API will not work, like
[`num_bigint::BigInt`], in which case there will be heap allocations used. This trait is **not** available
in a `no_std` environment.

use num_format::WriteFormatted;
use num_format::format::Locale;

fn main() {
    // Create a writer...
    let mut writer = String::new(); // Could also be Vec::new(), File::open(...), ...

    // Write '"1,000,000"' into the writer...
    writer.write_formatted(&1000000, &Locale::en);

    assert_eq!(&writer, "1,000,000");

## Extra features

| Available features | What to put in your `Cargo.toml`                              |
| :----------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------ |
| `no_std`           | `num-format = { version = "0.1", default-features = false }`  |
| `num-bigint`       | `num-format = { version = "0.1", features = ["num-bigint"] }` |
| `serde`            | `num-format = { version = "0.1", features = ["with-serde"] }` |

## License

**num-format** is licensed under either of:

- [The Apache License, Version 2.0], or
- [The MIT license]

at your option.

[`Buffer`]: struct.Buffer.html
[Common Locale Data Repository]:
[`CustomFormat`]: format/struct.CustomFormat.html
[`Environment`]: format/struct.Environment.html
[`Format`]: format/trait.Format.html
[`Locale`]: format/enum.Locale.html
[The Apache License, Version 2.0]:
[The MIT license]:
[`ToFormattedString`]: trait.ToFormattedString.html
[`to_formatted_string`]: trait.ToFormattedString.html#method.to_formatted_string
[Unicode Consortium]:
[`WriteFormatted`]: trait.WriteFormatted.html