num-bigfloat 1.7.1

Increased precision floating point numbers implemented purely in Rust.
The following is information than may be useful for contributors. The information is advisory in nature.

All communication is held in [issues]( and [PRs](

There are several ways to contribute to the project. The list includes, but is not limited by:

 - opening issues, participating in discussions
 - implementing features, or fixing bugs which are defined by current open issues, opening pull requests
 - writing documentation, or articles about the library
 - developing and improving algorithms used in the library

Rust is the primary programming language of the library. The following are reccomendations to follow with regard to the coding standards:

 - use of unsafe code must be kept at a minimum; any use of unsafe must be justified.
 - use of `unwrap()`, `expect()`, any unhandled errors are only acceptable when it was proved that they will never appear (i.e. there are checks that guarantee the code will never panic or return error).
 - new code must be covered by regression tests.
 - code must be formatted with [rustfmt]
 - all public items (functions, structs, etc.) must be documented.
 - any pull request must pass all tests before it can be merged.
 - public api should follow [Rust API Guidelines]
 - library's documentation should be kept up to date.
 - common sense and proper reasoning supersede any written rule.