nue-macros 0.3.0

POD and binary data encoding I/O macros failed to build nue-macros-0.3.0
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#[derive(..)] attributes for POD and binary encodable types.



Applies #[repr(Packed)] while also ensuring that all members safely allow unaligned access.

#![feature(plugin, custom_derive, custom_attribute)]

extern crate nue;
use nue::{Pod, Aligned, Un};

# fn main() {
struct Data(u8, Un<u32>);

let data = Data(5, 5.unaligned());
assert_eq!(data.0, 5u8);
assert_eq!(u32::aligned(data.1), 5u32);
# }


Marks a struct as pod::Pod. It must only contain other Pod members, and the type must be packed.


Marks a struct as pod::Pod, and also applies the #[packed] attribute to the type.


#![feature(plugin, custom_derive, custom_attribute)]

extern crate pod;
extern crate nue;
use pod::Pod;

# fn main() {
struct Data(u8);

assert_eq!(Data(5).as_slice(), &[5]);
# }

#[derive(NueEncode, NueDecode)]

Implements nue::Encode and nue::Decode on the struct. All fields must also implement Encode / Decode (or be skipped by a nue attribute).

#[nue(...)], #[nue_enc(...)], #[nue_dec(...)]

Additional coding options may be provided per field using the nue attributes. They will affect how the parent type is encoded or decoded. The attributes accept arbitrary Rust expressions. Member variables may be accessed through self.

nue_enc only applies to encoding, nue_dec applies to decoding, and nue applies to both. The order of the attributes doesn't usually matter, though align and skip interact differently depending on which is defined first.


Asserts that some property is true before continuing with the operation.

# #![feature(plugin, custom_derive, custom_attribute)] #![plugin(nue_macros)]
# extern crate nue;
use nue::Decode;

# fn main() {
struct Data(
    #[nue(assert = "self.0 == 0")]

let data = &[1];

let data = &[0];
# }


Aligns the field to an offset of the given multiple.

# #![feature(plugin, custom_derive, custom_attribute)] #![plugin(nue_macros)]
# extern crate nue;
use nue::Encode;

# fn main() {
struct Data(
	#[nue(align = "self.0 as u64 + 1")]
	&'static str

let data = Data(2, "hi");
let cmp = &[2, 0, 0, b'h', b'i'];
assert_eq!(&data.encode_vec().unwrap(), cmp);
# }


Discards the provided amount of bytes before encoding/decoding the value.

# #![feature(plugin, custom_derive, custom_attribute)] #![plugin(nue_macros)]
# extern crate nue;
use nue::Encode;

# fn main() {
struct Data(
	#[nue(skip = "1")]
	&'static str

let data = Data(2, "hi");
let cmp = &[2, 0, b'h', b'i'];
assert_eq!(&data.encode_vec().unwrap(), cmp);
# }


Conditionally encodes or decodes the field. If the condition is not met, Default::default() will be used. false is a static guarantee that the field will be ignored.

# #![feature(plugin, custom_derive, custom_attribute)] #![plugin(nue_macros)]
# extern crate nue;
use nue::Encode;

# fn main() {
struct Data<'a>(
	#[nue(cond = "false")]
	&'a () // Note that this type does not implement `Encode`

let u = ();
let data = Data(2, &u);
let cmp = &[2];
assert_eq!(&data.encode_vec().unwrap(), cmp);
# }


Determines the default value to be used if cond evaluates to false.

# #![feature(plugin, custom_derive, custom_attribute)] #![plugin(nue_macros)]
# extern crate nue;
use nue::Decode;

# fn main() {
#[derive(NueDecode, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct Data(
	#[nue(cond = "self.0 == 1", default = "5")]

let data = &[2];
assert_eq!(&Data::decode_slice(data).unwrap(), &Data(2, 5));

let data = &[1, 2];
assert_eq!(&Data::decode_slice(data).unwrap(), &Data(1, 2));
# }


Limits the amount of bytes that can be consumed or written during coding.

# #![feature(plugin, custom_derive, custom_attribute)] #![plugin(nue_macros)]
# extern crate nue;
use nue::Decode;

# fn main() {
struct Data(
	#[nue(limit = "4")]

let data = b"hello";
assert_eq!(&Data::decode_slice(data).unwrap().0, "hell");
# }


When set, uses all of limit even if the type did not encode or decode the entire byte region.

# #![feature(plugin, custom_derive, custom_attribute)] #![plugin(nue_macros)]
# extern crate nue;
use nue::Decode;
use std::ffi::CString;

# fn main() {
struct Data(
	#[nue(limit = "8", consume = "true")]

let data = b"hello\0\0\0\x05";
let data = Data::decode_slice(data).unwrap();
assert_eq!(data.0.to_bytes(), b"hello");
assert_eq!(data.1, 5);
# }