nucleo-h743zi 0.1.0

Examples programs for nucleo-H743zi board
nucleo-h743zi-0.1.0 is not a library.


Examples programs for nucleo-h743zi board.

This uses the stm32h7xx-hal crate.

Collaboration on this crate is highly welcome as are pull requests!

Building and running

Build with:

cargo build --release

Convert to a .bin file:

cargo objcopy --release --bin blinky -- -O binary target/thumbv7em-none-eabihf/release/blinky.bin
cargo objcopy --release --bin serial -- -O binary target/thumbv7em-none-eabihf/release/serial.bin

Flash the device:

cp target/thumbv7em-none-eabihf/release/blinky.bin /path/to/NODE_H743ZI/
cp target/thumbv7em-none-eabihf/release/serial.bin /path/to/NODE_H743ZI/


0-clause BSD license.