nu_plugin_from_sqlite 0.28.0

A converter plugin to the bson format for Nushell
authors = ["The Nu Project Contributors"]
description = "A converter plugin to the bson format for Nushell"
edition = "2018"
license = "MIT"
name = "nu_plugin_from_sqlite"
version = "0.28.0"

doctest = false

bigdecimal = "0.2.0"
nu-errors = { path = "../nu-errors", version = "0.28.0" }
nu-plugin = { path = "../nu-plugin", version = "0.28.0" }
nu-protocol = { path = "../nu-protocol", version = "0.28.0" }
nu-source = { path = "../nu-source", version = "0.28.0" }
nu-value-ext = { path = "../nu-value-ext", version = "0.28.0" }
num-traits = "0.2.14"
tempfile = "3.2.0"

features = ["bundled", "blob"]
version = "0.24.2"
