nu 0.67.0

A new type of shell
# Contributing

Welcome to Nushell!

To get live support from the community see our [Discord](, [Twitter]( or file an issue or feature request here on [GitHub](!

## Developing

### Setup

Nushell requires a recent Rust toolchain and some dependencies; [refer to the Nu Book for up-to-date requirements]( After installing dependencies, you should be able to clone+build Nu like any other Rust project:

git clone
cd nushell
cargo build

### Useful Commands

- Build and run Nushell:

  cargo run

- Build and run with extra features. Currently extra features include dataframes and sqlite database support.
  cargo run --features=extra

- Run Clippy on Nushell:

  cargo clippy --workspace --features=extra -- -D warnings -D clippy::unwrap_used -A clippy::needless_collect

- Run all tests:

  cargo test --workspace --features=extra

- Run all tests for a specific command

  cargo test --package nu-cli --test main -- commands::<command_name_here>

- Check to see if there are code formatting issues

  cargo fmt --all -- --check

- Format the code in the project

  cargo fmt --all

### Debugging Tips

- To view verbose logs when developing, enable the `trace` log level.

  cargo run --release --features=extra -- --log-level trace

- To redirect trace logs to a file, enable the `--log-target file` switch.
  cargo run --release --features=extra -- --log-level trace --log-target file
  [($nu.temp-path) nu-($] | path join | open