nu-command 0.75.0

Nushell's built-in commands
use nu_protocol::ast::Call;
use nu_protocol::engine::{Command, EngineState, Stack};
use nu_protocol::{Category, Example, IntoPipelineData, PipelineData, Signature, Type, Value};

pub struct SubCommand;

impl Command for SubCommand {
    fn name(&self) -> &str {
        "math pi"

    fn signature(&self) -> Signature {
        Signature::build("math pi")
            .input_output_types(vec![(Type::Any, Type::Float)])

    fn usage(&self) -> &str {
        "Returns the mathematical constant π."

    fn search_terms(&self) -> Vec<&str> {
        vec!["trigonometry", "constant"]

    fn examples(&self) -> Vec<Example> {
        vec![Example {
            example: "math pi | math round --precision 2",
            description: "Get the first two decimal digits of π",
            result: Some(Value::test_float(3.14)),

    fn run(
        _engine_state: &EngineState,
        _stack: &mut Stack,
        call: &Call,
        _input: PipelineData,
    ) -> Result<nu_protocol::PipelineData, nu_protocol::ShellError> {
        Ok(Value::float(std::f64::consts::PI, call.head).into_pipeline_data())

mod test {
    use super::*;

    fn test_examples() {
        use crate::test_examples;

        test_examples(SubCommand {})