nu-command 0.75.0

Nushell's built-in commands
use nu_engine::{eval_block, CallExt};
use nu_protocol::{
    engine::{Closure, Command, EngineState, Stack},
    Category, Example, IntoPipelineData, PipelineData, ShellError, Signature, SyntaxShape, Type,

pub struct All;

impl Command for All {
    fn name(&self) -> &str {

    fn signature(&self) -> Signature {
                (Type::List(Box::new(Type::Any)), Type::Bool),
                (Type::Table(vec![]), Type::Bool),
                SyntaxShape::Closure(Some(vec![SyntaxShape::Any, SyntaxShape::Int])),
                "a closure that must evaluate to a boolean",

    fn usage(&self) -> &str {
        "Test if every element of the input fulfills a predicate expression."

    fn search_terms(&self) -> Vec<&str> {
        vec!["every", "and"]

    fn examples(&self) -> Vec<Example> {
            Example {
                description: "Check if each row's status is the string 'UP'",
                example: "[[status]; [UP] [UP]] | all {|el| $el.status == UP }",
                result: Some(Value::test_bool(true)),
            Example {
                description: "Check that all values are equal to twice their index",
                example: "[0 2 4 6] | all {|el ind| $el == $ind * 2 }",
                result: Some(Value::test_bool(true)),
            Example {
                description: "Check that all of the values are even, using a stored closure",
                example: "let cond = {|el| ($el mod 2) == 0 }; [2 4 6 8] | all $cond",
                result: Some(Value::test_bool(true)),
    // This is almost entirely a copy-paste of `any`'s run(), so make sure any changes to this are
    // reflected in the other!! (Or, you could figure out a way for both of them to use
    // the same function...)
    fn run(
        engine_state: &EngineState,
        stack: &mut Stack,
        call: &Call,
        input: PipelineData,
    ) -> Result<PipelineData, ShellError> {
        let span = call.head;

        let capture_block: Closure = call.req(engine_state, stack, 0)?;
        let block_id = capture_block.block_id;

        let block = engine_state.get_block(block_id);
        let var_id = block.signature.get_positional(0).and_then(|arg| arg.var_id);
        let mut stack = stack.captures_to_stack(&capture_block.captures);

        let orig_env_vars = stack.env_vars.clone();
        let orig_env_hidden = stack.env_hidden.clone();

        let ctrlc = engine_state.ctrlc.clone();
        let engine_state = engine_state.clone();

        for (idx, value) in input.into_interruptible_iter(ctrlc).enumerate() {
            // with_env() is used here to ensure that each iteration uses
            // a different set of environment variables.
            // Hence, a 'cd' in the first loop won't affect the next loop.
            stack.with_env(&orig_env_vars, &orig_env_hidden);

            if let Some(var_id) = var_id {
                stack.add_var(var_id, value.clone());
            // Optional index argument
            if let Some(var) = block.signature.get_positional(1) {
                if let Some(var_id) = &var.var_id {
                        Value::Int {
                            val: idx as i64,

            let eval = eval_block(
                &mut stack,
            match eval {
                Err(e) => {
                    return Err(e);
                Ok(pipeline_data) => {
                    if !pipeline_data.into_value(span).is_true() {
                        return Ok(Value::Bool { val: false, span }.into_pipeline_data());
        Ok(Value::Bool { val: true, span }.into_pipeline_data())

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn test_examples() {
        use crate::test_examples;
