nt_hive2 3.1.0

forensic parser library for Windows registry hive files


This crates aims to be a replacement of https://github.com/ColinFinck/nt-hive, with the following differences:

  • use of BinRead to parse hive files
  • support of displaying last written timestamps
  • recovery of deleted cells


forensic parser library for Windows registry hive files

Usage: regdump [OPTIONS] <HIVE_FILE>

  <HIVE_FILE>  name of the file to dump

  -L, --log <LOGFILES>     transaction LOG file(s). This argument can be specified one or two times
  -b, --bodyfile           print as bodyfile format
  -I, --ignore-base-block  ignore the base block (e.g. if it was encrypted by some ransomware)
  -v, --verbose...         More output per occurrence
  -q, --quiet...           Less output per occurrence
  -h, --help               Print help information
  -V, --version            Print version information


scans a registry hive file for deleted entries

Usage: hivescan [OPTIONS] <HIVE_FILE>

  <HIVE_FILE>  name of the file to scan

  -L, --log <LOGFILES>  transaction LOG file(s). This argument can be specified one or two times
  -v, --verbose...      More output per occurrence
  -q, --quiet...        Less output per occurrence
  -b                    output as bodyfile format
  -h, --help            Print help information
  -V, --version         Print version information


merges logfiles into a hive file

Usage: cleanhive [OPTIONS] --output <DST_HIVE> <HIVE_FILE>

  <HIVE_FILE>  name of the file to dump

  -L, --log <LOGFILES>     transaction LOG file(s). This argument can be specified one or two times
  -v, --verbose...         More output per occurrence
  -q, --quiet...           Less output per occurrence
  -O, --output <DST_HIVE>  name of the file to which the cleaned hive will be written
  -h, --help               Print help information
  -V, --version            Print version information

Usage example for developers

use std::fs::File;
use nt_hive2::*;

let hive_file = File::open("tests/data/testhive")?;
let mut hive = Hive::new(hive_file)?;
let root_key = hive.root_key_node()?;

for sk in root_key.subkeys(&mut hive)?.iter() {
    println!("\n[{}]; last written: {}", sk.borrow().name(), sk.borrow().timestamp());
    for value in sk.borrow().values() {
        println!("\"{}\" = {}", value.name(), value.value());

License: GPL-3.0