nss 0.7.1

Bindings for the NSS cryptography library
# NSS Bindings for Rust

This is a very incomplete project for enabling Rust code to use the
[NSS][] cryptography library.  Currently it exposes only the minimum
needed to be a simple TLS client, and is almost completely lacking in
documentation.  Also, there isn't yet support for building on OSes
where NSS and NSPR aren't in the default place for system-installed
libraries (i.e., Windows and Mac OS).

Other crates in this repository:

* [nss-sys]nss-sys defines low-level bindings that directly reflect the C code.

* [nss-webpki]nss-webpki is a simple wrapper for the `webpki` crate,
  for verifying certificate lists obtained through NSS.  (NSS's own
  certificate verification code is old and doesn't follow modern best

* [nss-hyper]nss-hyper implements the `SslClient` trait for the
  `hyper` HTTP library, using NSS (with webpki for certificate
  verification).  It has an example program (`client`) that makes HTTPS
  requests to URLs given as arguments and writes the result to `stdout`.

[NSS]: https://nss-crypto.org/