nsi 0.6.0

Nodal Scene Interface for (offline) 3D renderers – ɴsɪ.
// Needed for the example dode to build.
extern crate self as nsi;
use crate::{argument::*, *};
// std::slice is imported so the (doc) examples compile w/o hiccups.
use std::{
    ffi::{CStr, CString},
    os::raw::{c_int, c_void},

/// # An ɴsɪ Context.
/// A context is used to describe a scene to the renderer and
/// request images to be rendered from it.
/// ## Thread Safety
/// A context may be used in multiple threads at once.
/// ## Lifetime
/// A context can be used without worrying about its lifetime
/// until you want to store it somewhere, e.g. in a struct.
/// The reason a context has an explicit lifetime is so that it can
/// take [`Reference`]s. These references must be valid until the
/// context is dropped and this guarantee requires explicit lifetimes.
/// When you use a context directly this is not an issue
/// but when you want to reference it somewhere the same rules
/// as with all references apply.
/// ## Further Reading
/// See the [ɴsɪ docmentation on context
/// handling](https://nsi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/c-api.html#context-handling).
#[derive(Debug, Hash, PartialEq)]
pub struct Context<'a> {
    context: NSIContext_t,
    // _marker needs to be invariant in 'a.
    // See "Making a struct outlive a parameter given to a method of
    // that struct": https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62374326/
    _marker: PhantomData<*mut &'a ()>,

impl<'a> From<NSIContext_t> for Context<'a> {
    fn from(context: NSIContext_t) -> Self {
        Self {
            _marker: PhantomData,

impl<'a> From<Context<'a>> for NSIContext_t {
    fn from(context: Context<'a>) -> Self {

impl<'a> Context<'a> {
    /// Creates an ɴsɪ context.
    /// Contexts may be used in multiple threads at once.
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// // Create rendering context that dumps to stdout.
    /// let ctx = nsi::Context::new(&[nsi::string!("streamfilename", "stdout")])
    ///     .expect("Could not create ɴsɪ context.");
    /// ```
    /// # Error
    /// If this method fails for some reason, it returns [`None`].
    pub fn new(args: &ArgSlice<'_, 'a>) -> Option<Self> {
        let (args_len, args_ptr, _args_out) = get_c_param_vec(args);

        let context = NSI_API.NSIBegin(args_len, args_ptr);

        if 0 == context {
        } else {
            Some(Self {
                _marker: PhantomData,

    /// Creates a new node.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `handle` - A node handle. This string will uniquely identify the node
    ///   in the scene.
    ///   If the supplied handle matches an existing node, the function
    ///   does nothing if all other parameters match the call which
    ///   created that node. Otherwise, it emits an error. Note that
    ///   handles need only be unique within a given [`Context`].
    ///   It is acceptable to reuse the same handle inside different
    ///   [`Context`]s.
    /// * `node_type` – The type of node to create. You can use [`NodeType`] to
    ///   create nodes that are in the official NSI specificaion. As this
    ///   parameter is just a string you can instance other node types that a
    ///   particualr implementation may provide and which are not part of the
    ///   official specification.
    /// * `args` – A [`slice`] of optional [`Arg`] arguments. *There are no
    ///   optional arguments defined as of now*.
    /// ```
    /// // Create a context to send the scene to.
    /// let ctx = nsi::Context::new(&[]).unwrap();
    /// // Create an infinte plane.
    /// ctx.create("ground", nsi::NodeType::Plane, &[]);
    /// ```
    pub fn create(
        handle: impl Into<Vec<u8>>,
        node_type: impl Into<Vec<u8>>,
        args: &ArgSlice<'_, 'a>,
    ) {
        let handle = CString::new(handle).unwrap();
        let node_type = CString::new(node_type).unwrap();
        let (args_len, args_ptr, _args_out) = get_c_param_vec(args);


    /// This function deletes a node from the scene. All connections to
    /// and from the node are also deleted.
    /// Note that it is not possible to delete the `.root` or the
    /// `.global` nodes.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `handle` – A handle to a node previously created with
    ///   [`create()`](Context::create()).
    /// * `args` – A [`slice`] of optional [`Arg`] arguments.
    /// # Optional Arguments
    /// * `"recursive"` ([`Integer`]) – Specifies whether deletion is recursive.
    ///   By default, only the specified node is deleted. If a value of `1` is
    ///   given, then nodes which connect to the specified node are recursively
    ///   removed. Unless they meet one of the following conditions:
    ///   * They also have connections which do not eventually lead to the
    ///     specified node.
    ///   * Their connection to the node to be deleted was created with a
    ///     `strength` greater than `0`.
    ///   This allows, for example, deletion of an entire shader network in a
    /// single call.
    pub fn delete(&self, handle: impl Into<Vec<u8>>, args: &ArgSlice<'_, 'a>) {
        let handle = CString::new(handle).unwrap();
        let (args_len, args_ptr, _args_out) = get_c_param_vec(args);

        NSI_API.NSIDelete(self.context, handle.as_ptr(), args_len, args_ptr);

    /// This functions sets attributes on a previously node.
    /// All optional arguments of the function become attributes of
    /// the node.
    /// On a [`NodeType::Shader`], this function is used to set the implicitly
    /// defined shader arguments.
    /// Setting an attribute using this function replaces any value
    /// previously set by [`set_attribute()`](Context::set_attribute()) or
    /// [`set_attribute_at_time()`](Context::set_attribute_at_time()).
    /// To reset an attribute to its default value, use
    /// [`delete_attribute()`](Context::delete_attribute()).
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `handle` – A handle to a node previously created with
    ///   [`create()`](Context::create()).
    /// * `args` – A [`slice`] of optional [`Arg`] arguments.
    pub fn set_attribute(&self, handle: impl Into<Vec<u8>>, args: &ArgSlice<'_, 'a>) {
        let handle = CString::new(handle).unwrap();
        let (args_len, args_ptr, _args_out) = get_c_param_vec(args);

        NSI_API.NSISetAttribute(self.context, handle.as_ptr(), args_len, args_ptr);

    /// This function sets time-varying attributes (i.e. motion blurred).
    /// The `time` argument specifies at which time the attribute is being
    /// defined.
    /// It is not required to set time-varying attributes in any
    /// particular order. In most uses, attributes that are motion blurred must
    /// have the same specification throughout the time range.
    /// A notable  exception is the `P` attribute on [`NodeType::Particles`]
    /// which can be of different size for each time step because of appearing
    /// or disappearing particles. Setting an attribute using this function
    /// replaces any value previously set by
    /// [`set_attribute()`](Context::set_attribute()).
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `handle` – A handle to a node previously created with
    ///   [`create()`](Context::create()).
    /// * `time` – The time at which to set the value.
    /// * `args` – A [`slice`] of optional [`Arg`] arguments.
    pub fn set_attribute_at_time(
        handle: impl Into<Vec<u8>>,
        time: f64,
        args: &ArgSlice<'_, 'a>,
    ) {
        let handle = CString::new(handle).unwrap();
        let (args_len, args_ptr, _args_out) = get_c_param_vec(args);

        NSI_API.NSISetAttributeAtTime(self.context, handle.as_ptr(), time, args_len, args_ptr);

    /// This function deletes any attribute with a name which matches
    /// the `name` argument on the specified object. There is no way to
    /// delete an attribute only for a specific time value.
    /// Deleting an attribute resets it to its default value.
    /// For example, after deleting the `transformationmatrix` attribute
    /// on a [`NodeType::Transform`], the transform will be an identity.
    /// Deleting a previously set attribute on a [`NodeType::Shader`]
    /// will default to whatever is declared inside the shader.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `handle` – A handle to a node previously created with
    ///   [`create()`](Context::create()).
    /// * `name` – The name of the attribute to be deleted/reset.
    pub fn delete_attribute(&self, handle: impl Into<Vec<u8>>, name: impl Into<Vec<u8>>) {
        let handle = CString::new(handle).unwrap();
        let name = CString::new(name).unwrap();

        NSI_API.NSIDeleteAttribute(self.context, handle.as_ptr(), name.as_ptr());

    /// Create a connection between two elements.
    /// It is not an error to create a connection which already exists
    /// or to remove a connection which does not exist but the nodes
    /// on which the connection is performed must exist.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `from` – The handle of the node from which the connection is made.
    /// * `from_attr` – The name of the attribute from which the connection is
    ///   made. If this is an empty string then the connection is made from the
    ///   node instead of from a specific attribute of the node.
    /// * `to` – The handle of the node to which the connection is made.
    /// * `to_attr` – The name of the attribute to which the connection is made.
    ///   If this is an empty string then the connection is made to the node
    ///   instead of to a specific attribute of the node.
    /// # Optional Arguments
    /// * `"value"` – This can be used to change the value of a node's attribute
    ///   in some contexts. Refer to guidelines on inter-object visibility for
    ///   more information about the utility of this parameter.
    /// * `"priority"` ([`Integer`]) – When connecting attribute nodes,
    ///   indicates in which order the nodes should be considered when
    ///   evaluating the value of an attribute.
    /// * `"strength"` ([`Integer`]) – A connection with a `strength` greater
    ///   than `0` will *block* the progression of a recursive
    ///   [`delete()`](Context::delete()).
    pub fn connect(
        from: impl Into<Vec<u8>>,
        from_attr: impl Into<Vec<u8>>,
        to: impl Into<Vec<u8>>,
        to_attr: impl Into<Vec<u8>>,
        args: &ArgSlice<'_, 'a>,
    ) {
        let from = CString::new(from).unwrap();
        let from_attr = CString::new(from_attr).unwrap();
        let to = CString::new(to).unwrap();
        let to_attr = CString::new(to_attr).unwrap();
        let (args_len, args_ptr, _args_out) = get_c_param_vec(args);


    /// This function removes a connection between two elements.
    /// The handle for either node may be the special value `".all"`.
    /// This will remove all connections which match the other three
    /// arguments.
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// // Create a rendering context.
    /// let ctx = nsi::Context::new(&[]).unwrap();
    /// // [...]
    /// // Disconnect everything from the scene's root.
    /// ctx.disconnect(".all", "", ".root", "");
    /// ```
    pub fn disconnect(
        from: impl Into<Vec<u8>>,
        from_attr: impl Into<Vec<u8>>,
        to: impl Into<Vec<u8>>,
        to_attr: impl Into<Vec<u8>>,
    ) {
        let from = CString::new(from).unwrap();
        let from_attr = CString::new(from_attr).unwrap();
        let to = CString::new(to).unwrap();
        let to_attr = CString::new(to_attr).unwrap();


    /// This function includes a block of interface calls from an external source into the current
    /// scene. It blends together the concepts of a file include, commonly known as an *archive*,
    /// with that of procedural include which is traditionally a compiled executable. Both are the
    /// same idea expressed in a different language.
    /// Note that for delayed procedural evaluation you should use a
    /// [`Procedural`](NodeType::Procedural) node.
    /// The ɴsɪ adds a third option which sits in-between — [Lua
    /// scripts](https://nsi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/lua-api.html). They are more powerful than a
    /// simple included file yet they are also easier to generate as they do not require
    /// compilation.
    /// For example, it is realistic to export a whole new script for every frame of an animation.
    /// It could also be done for every character in a frame. This gives great flexibility in how
    /// components of a scene are put together.
    /// The ability to load ɴsɪ commands from memory is also provided.
    /// # Optional Arguments
    /// * `"type"` ([`String`]) – The type of file which will generate the interface calls. This
    ///   can be one of:
    ///   * `"apistream"` – Read in an ɴsɪ stream. This requires either `"filename"` or
    ///     `"buffer"`/`"size"` arguments to be specified too.
    ///   * `"lua"` – Execute a Lua script, either from file or inline. See also
    ///     [how to evaluate a Lua script](https://nsi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/lua-api.html#luaapi-evaluation).
    ///   * `"dynamiclibrary"` – Execute native compiled code in a loadable library. See
    ///     [dynamic library procedurals](https://nsi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/procedurals.html#section-procedurals)
    ///     for an implementation example in C.
    /// * `"filename"` ([`String`]) – The name of the file which contains the interface calls to
    ///   include.
    /// * `"script"` ([`String`]) – A valid Lua script to execute when `"type"` is set to `"lua"`.
    /// * `"buffer"` ([`Pointer`])
    /// * `"size"` ([`Integer`]) – These two parameters define a memory block that contain ɴsɪ
    ///   commands to execute.
    /// * `"backgroundload"` ([`Integer`]) – If this is nonzero, the object may
    ///   be loaded in a separate thread, at some later time. This requires that
    ///   further interface calls not directly reference objects defined in the
    ///   included file. The only guarantee is that the file will be loaded
    ///   before rendering begins.
    pub fn evaluate(&self, args: &ArgSlice<'_, 'a>) {
        let (args_len, args_ptr, _args_out) = get_c_param_vec(args);

        NSI_API.NSIEvaluate(self.context, args_len, args_ptr);

    /// This function is the only control function of the API.
    /// It is responsible of starting, suspending and stopping the render. It also allows for
    /// synchronizing the render with interactive calls that might have been issued.
    /// # Optional Arguments
    /// * `"action"` ([`String`]) – Specifies the operation to be performed, which should be one
    ///   of the following:
    ///   * `"start"` – This starts rendering the scene in the provided context. The render starts
    ///     in parallel and the control flow is not blocked.
    ///   * `"wait"` – Wait for a render to finish.
    ///   * `"synchronize"` – For an interactive render, apply all the buffered calls to scene’s
    ///     state.
    ///   * `"suspend"` – Suspends render in the provided context.
    ///   * `"resume"` – Resumes a previously suspended render.
    ///   * `"stop"` – Stops rendering in the provided context without destroying the scene.
    /// * `"progressive"` ([`Integer`]) – If set to `1`, render the image in a progressive fashion.
    /// * `"interactive"` ([`Integer`]) – If set to `1`, the renderer will accept commands to edit
    ///   scene’s state while rendering. The difference with a normal render is that the render
    ///   task will not exit even if rendering is finished. Interactive renders are by definition
    ///   progressive.
    /// * `"frame"` – Specifies the frame number of this render.
    pub fn render_control(&self, args: &ArgSlice<'_, 'a>) {
        let (_, _, mut args_out) = get_c_param_vec(args);

        let fn_pointer: nsi_sys::NSIRenderStopped_t =
            Some(render_status as extern "C" fn(*mut c_void, i32, i32));

        if let Some(arg) = args.iter().find_map(|arg| {
            if unsafe { CStr::from_bytes_with_nul_unchecked(b"callback\0") } == arg.name.as_c_str()
            } else {
        }) {
            args_out.push(nsi_sys::NSIParam_t {
                name: b"stoppedcallback\0" as *const _ as _,
                data: &fn_pointer as *const _ as _,
                type_: NSIType_t_NSITypePointer as _,
                arraylength: 0,
                count: 1,
                flags: 0,
            args_out.push(nsi_sys::NSIParam_t {
                name: b"stoppedcallbackdata\0" as *const _ as _,
                data: &arg.data.as_c_ptr() as *const _ as _,
                type_: NSIType_t_NSITypePointer as _,
                arraylength: 1,
                count: 1,
                flags: 0,

        NSI_API.NSIRenderControl(self.context, args_out.len() as _, args_out.as_ptr());

impl<'a> Drop for Context<'a> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {

/// The type for a node in the ɴsɪ scene graph.
/// This will just convert into a `Vec<u8>` of the string representing
/// the node type when you use it.
pub enum NodeType {
    /// Wildcard node that references all existing nodes at once.
    /// The scene’s root (`".root"`).
    /// [Documentation](https://nsi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/nodes.html#node-root).
    Root, // = ".root",
    /// Global settings node (`".global"`).
    /// [Documentation](https://nsi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/nodes.html#the-global-node).
    /// Expresses relationships of groups of nodes.
    /// [Documentation](https://nsi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/nodes.html#node-set).
    /// [ᴏsʟ](http://opensource.imageworks.com/osl.html) shader or layer in a shader group.
    /// [Documentation](https://nsi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/nodes.html#node-shader).
    /// Container for generic attributes (e.g. visibility).
    /// [Documentation](https://nsi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/nodes.html#node-attributes).
    /// Transformation to place objects in the scene.
    /// [Documentation](https://nsi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/nodes.html#node-transform).
    /// Specifies instances of other nodes.
    /// [Documentation](https://nsi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/nodes.html#node-instances).
    /// An infinite plane.
    /// [Documentation](https://nsi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/nodes.html#node-plane).
    /// Polygonal mesh or subdivision surface.
    /// [Documentation](https://nsi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/nodes.html#node-mesh).
    /// Assign attributes to part of a mesh, curves or paticles.
    /// [Documentation](https://nsi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/nodes.html#node-faceset).
    /// Linear, b-spline and Catmull-Rom curves.
    /// [Documentation](https://nsi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/nodes.html#node-curves).
    /// Collection of particles.
    /// [Documentation](https://nsi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/nodes.html#node-particles).
    /// Geometry to be loaded or generated in delayed fashion.
    /// [Documentation](https://nsi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/nodes.html#node-procedural).
    /// A volume loaded from an [OpenVDB](https://www.openvdb.org) file.
    /// [Documentation](https://nsi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/nodes.html#node-volume).
    /// Also see the `volume` example.
    /// Geometry type to define environment lighting.
    /// [Documentation](https://nsi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/nodes.html#node-environment).
    /// Set of nodes to create viewing cameras.
    /// [Documentation](https://nsi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/nodes.html#node-camera).
    /// A target where to output rendered pixels.
    /// [Documentation](https://nsi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/nodes.html#node-outputdriver).
    /// Describes one render layer to be connected to an `outputdriver` node.
    /// [Documentation](https://nsi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/nodes.html#node-outputlayer).
    /// Describes how the view from a camera node will be rasterized into an `outputlayer` node.
    /// [Documentation](https://nsi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/nodes.html#node-screen).

impl From<NodeType> for Vec<u8> {
    fn from(node_type: NodeType) -> Self {
        match node_type {
            NodeType::All => b".all".to_vec(),
            NodeType::Root => b".root".to_vec(),
            NodeType::Global => b".global".to_vec(),
            NodeType::Set => b"set".to_vec(),
            NodeType::Plane => b"plane".to_vec(),
            NodeType::Shader => b"shader".to_vec(),
            NodeType::Attributes => b"attributes".to_vec(),
            NodeType::Transform => b"transform".to_vec(),
            NodeType::Instances => b"instances".to_vec(),
            NodeType::Mesh => b"mesh".to_vec(),
            NodeType::FaceSet => b"faceset".to_vec(),
            NodeType::Curves => b"curves".to_vec(),
            NodeType::Particles => b"particles".to_vec(),
            NodeType::Procedural => b"procedural".to_vec(),
            NodeType::Volume => b"volume".to_vec(),
            NodeType::Environment => b"environment".to_vec(),
            NodeType::Camera => b"camera".to_vec(),
            NodeType::OrthographicCamera => b"orthographiccamera".to_vec(),
            NodeType::PerspectiveCamera => b"perspectivecamera".to_vec(),
            NodeType::FisheyeCamera => b"fisheyecamera".to_vec(),
            NodeType::CylindricalCamera => b"cylindricalcamera".to_vec(),
            NodeType::SphericalCamera => b"sphericalcamera".to_vec(),
            NodeType::OutputDriver => b"outputdriver".to_vec(),
            NodeType::OutputLayer => b"outputlayer".to_vec(),
            NodeType::Screen => b"screen".to_vec(),

/// The status of a *interactive* render session.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, num_enum::FromPrimitive)]
pub enum RenderStatus {
    Completed = nsi_sys::NSIStoppingStatus_NSIRenderCompleted as _,
    Aborted = nsi_sys::NSIStoppingStatus_NSIRenderAborted as _,
    Synchronized = nsi_sys::NSIStoppingStatus_NSIRenderSynchronized as _,
    Restarted = nsi_sys::NSIStoppingStatus_NSIRenderRestarted as _,

/// A closure which is called to inform about the status of an ongoing render.
/// It is passed to ɴsɪ via [`render_control()`](Context::render_control())’s the `"callback"` argument.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # let ctx = nsi::Context::new(&[]).unwrap();
/// let status_callback = nsi::context::StatusCallback::new(
///     |_ctx: &nsi::context::Context, status: nsi::context::RenderStatus| {
///         println!("Status: {:?}", status);
///     },
/// );
/// ctx.render_control(&[
///     nsi::string!("action", "start"),
///     nsi::callback!("callback", status_callback),
/// ]);
/// ```
pub trait FnStatus<'a>: Fn(
    // The [`Context`] for which this closure was called.
    // Status of interactive render session.
+ 'a {}

        T: Fn(&Context, RenderStatus) + 'a + for<'r, 's> Fn(&'r context::Context<'s>, RenderStatus),
    > FnStatus<'a> for T

// FIXME once trait aliases are in stable.
trait FnStatus<'a> = FnMut(
    // Status of interactive render session.
    status: RenderStatus
    + 'a

/// Wrapper to pass a [`FnStatus`] closure to a [`Context`].
pub struct StatusCallback<'a>(Box<Box<dyn FnStatus<'a>>>);

impl<'a> StatusCallback<'a> {
    pub fn new<F>(fn_status: F) -> Self
        F: FnStatus<'a>,

impl CallbackPtr for StatusCallback<'_> {
    fn to_ptr(self) -> *const core::ffi::c_void {
        Box::into_raw(self.0) as *const _ as _

// Trampoline function for the FnStatus callback.
pub(crate) extern "C" fn render_status(
    payload: *mut c_void,
    context: nsi_sys::NSIContext_t,
    status: c_int,
) {
    if !payload.is_null() {
        let fn_status = unsafe { Box::from_raw(payload as *mut Box<dyn FnStatus>) };
        let ctx = Context {
            _marker: PhantomData,

        fn_status(&ctx, status.into());

        // We must not call drop() on this context.
        // This is safe as Context doesn't allocate and this one is on the stack anyway.