nsga 0.1.1

Multi-objective genetic optimization algorithm NSGA-II
//! # nsga
//! *nsga* is an opinionated implementation of the
//! [NSGA-II (Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm)](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/996017),
//! a multi-objective genetic optimization algorithm.
//! The focus for this implementation is on practical applicability,
//! not necessarily just for optimizing pure mathematical functions.
//! A short tutorial is avaialble [here](https://github.com/syhpoon/nsga).

mod candidate_f64;
mod evaluator;
mod optimizer;

use std::fmt::Debug;

pub use candidate_f64::{CandidateF64, ParamsF64};
pub use evaluator::{DefaultEvaluator, Evaluator};
pub use optimizer::NSGAOptimizer;

/// A simple ratio type
pub struct Ratio(pub u32, pub u32);

/// Solution represents a candidate solution.
pub trait Solution: Debug + Clone {
    /// Perform a crossover operation with another solution candidate
    fn crossover(&mut self, other: &mut Self);

    /// Mutate a solution candidate
    fn mutate(&mut self);

/// An optimization objective trait
pub trait Objective<S: Solution> {
    /// An objective fitness function.
    /// Given a solution, it should return its fitness score.
    /// The optimizer always finds a minimum, so if your case requires finding the
    /// maximum instead, simply multiply the value by -1 before returning.
    fn value(&self, sol: &S) -> f64;

    /// A function used for early termination, when applicable.
    /// When in a particular objective the target value is known,
    /// the optimization process can be made significantly faster
    /// by not having to compute all the iteration steps:
    /// ```ignore
    /// fn good_enough(&self, val: f64) -> bool {
    ///    val <= self.toleration
    /// }
    /// ```
    fn good_enough(&self, _val: f64) -> bool {

/// A trait that can alter computed fitness score for a solution
/// It is often used to exclude (by returning [`f64::MAX`]) solutions
/// based on some complex logic
/// that is too cumbersome to include in the [`Objective::value()`]
pub trait Constraint<S: Solution> {
    /// Process a currently computed value for a given solution
    fn value(&self, sol: &S, val: f64) -> f64;

/// A trait to implement a set of meta-parameters for the optimization
pub trait Meta<'a, S: Solution> {
    /// Return a population size.
    /// This is used by an optimizer for a pool of solution candidates
    fn population_size(&self) -> usize {

    /// A ratio to determine how often to perform a crossover operation
    fn crossover_odds(&self) -> &'a Ratio;

    /// A ratio to determine how often to perform a mutation operation
    fn mutation_odds(&self) -> &'a Ratio;

    /// Return a random solution
    fn random_solution(&mut self) -> S;

    /// Return a list of objectives to use in optimization.
    /// Cannot be empty
    fn objectives(&self) -> &Vec<Box<dyn Objective<S> + 'a>>;

    /// Return an optional list of optimization constraints
    fn constraints(&self) -> &Vec<Box<dyn Constraint<S> + 'a>>;

mod test {
    use crate::Ratio;

    pub(crate) const POPULATION_SIZE: usize = 20;
    pub(crate) const CROSSOVER_ODDS: Ratio = Ratio(6, 10);
    pub(crate) const MUTATION_ODDS: Ratio = Ratio(3, 10);

mod test_sch;
mod test_sum;