ns-indexer 0.6.0

Name & Service Protocol indexer service in Rust

NS-Indexer — NS-Protocol Indexer service in Rust

License Crates.io CI Docs.rs Latest Version

More information about the protocol can be found in the protocol documentation


  1. Bitcoin RPC server with txindex option enabled, don't need wallet. For example, run a regtest node:
bitcoind -regtest -txindex -rpcuser=test -rpcpassword=123456 -fallbackfee=0.00001
  1. ScyllaDB as a database, run it in a docker container as development environment:
sudo mkdir -p /mnt/scylla/data /mnt/scylla/commitlog /mnt/scylla/hints /mnt/scylla/view_hints
sudo docker run --restart=always --name scylla -d -p 9042:9042 --volume /mnt/scylla:/var/lib/scylla scylladb/scylla:5.2 --smp 1 --memory 2G --developer-mode 0

And then import the CQL schema https://github.com/ldclabs/ns-rs/tree/main/crates/ns-indexer/cql


Run the indexer on local machine


cargo build --package ns-indexer --bin ns-indexer

Create .env file from sample and edit it:

cp ./crates/ns-indexer/sample.env .env



Build for production

Cross compile for linux:

cargo build --release --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl --package ns-indexer --bin ns-indexer

Docker image


API Documentation

Here is the API documentation generated by Insomnia.

The mime type of the request and response in documentation is application/json, but the real mime type is application/cbor.