Type Definition nrfxlib_sys::nrf_gnss_power_save_mode_t[][src]

type nrf_gnss_power_save_mode_t = u8;

Defines which power mode policy to use for the GNSS module. s

    • NRF_GNSS_PSM_DISABLED - for no power mode policy.
    • NRF_GNSS_PSM_DUTY_CYCLING_PERFORMANCE - for low power mode with better performance.
    • NRF_GNSS_PSM_DUTY_CYCLING_POWER - for low power mode with lower power consumption.

The available power modes determine whether duty-cycled tracking is allowed, and, if allowed what is the target performance.

Performance duty-cycled power mode: Duty-cycled tracking is engaged and run when conditions allow it without significant performance degradation.

Power duty-cycled power mode:: Duty-cycled tracking is engaged and run whenever it is possible with acceptable performance degradation.

The GNSS receiver keeps producing PVT estimates at the configured rate regardless of whether it is tracking continuously or in duty cycles. However, a failure to produce a valid PVT estimate during duty-cycled tracking may cause the GNSS receiver to resume continuous tracking.