nrfxlib-sys 1.4.2

Rust bindings to the Nordic nRF9160 Socket Library.
# nrfxlib-sys

This is a Rust wrapper for the Nordic
[nrfxlib]( set of libraries,
primarily `libbsd` and `liboberon` for the nRF9160.

Any binary which uses this crate is going to need to provide a bunch of C
library functions, because Nordic's library expects them. This includes, but
is not limited to:

* atoi
* snprintf
* strol
* strchr

You can't just link `newlib`, because that defines `memset` which clashes with
the `compiler-builtin` crate's definition of `memset`. Answers on a post-card
please - for now I'm using

## Using

In your own program or library, you can depend on this crate in the usual fashion:

nrfxlib-sys = "1.4"

Or you might prefer the [higher-level wrapper by 42 Technology](

nrfxlib = "*"

Note that you may need to use Nightly Rust and add `-Zfeatures=host_dep` to enable the Cargo #5730 fix.

$ cargo +nightly build -Zfeatures=host_dep

## Licence

Any of the code outside the `./third_party` folder is under the [Blue Oak
Licence](./ Any code inside the `./third_party` folder (include
the Nordic nrfxlib) has its own LICENCE file.

## Contribution

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally
submitted for inclusion in the work by you, shall be licensed as above,
without any additional terms or conditions.

## Changelog

### Unreleased Changes ([Source] | [Changes]

* None

### v1.4.2 ([Source] | [Changes]

* Updated to [nrfxlib v1.4.2]
* Added new arguments to call to `bsd_init` function.
* Switched back to `bindgen` crate, after Cargo issue #5730 was closed.

### v1.2.0 ([Source] | [Changes]

* Updated to [nrfxlib v1.2.0]
* Fixed some build errors caused by usize/u32 and isize/i32 conversions.

### v1.1.0-rc3+rel1 ([Source] | [Changes]

* Updated to [nrfxlib v1.1.0-rc3]
* Generate headers for `libnrf_cc310` (CryptoCell 310 API)
* Generate headers for `liboberon` (Optimised software crypto implementation)

### v1.1.0-rc2+rel1 ([Source] | [Changes]

* Updated to [nrfxlib v1.1.0-rc2], including [libbsd 0.5.0]
* Changed crate version to track Nordic's nrfxlib version number.

### v0.2.0 ([Source] | [Changes]

* Require users to install bindgen as a command-line tool.

### v0.1.7 ([Source] | [Changes]

* Use Cargo 5730 workaround.
* Update bindgen to 0.51
* Rustfmt generated code
* Reformat using tabs

### v0.1.6 ([Source] | [Changes]

* Bundle the C headers (fixes Travis build)

### v0.1.5 ([Source] | [Changes]

* Sub-module in upstream nrfxlib.

### v0.1.4 ([Source] | [Changes]

* Add the bsd_limits.h, nrf_key_mgmt.h and nrf_apn_class.h headers.

### v0.1.3 ([Source] | [Changes]

* Updates to this README to specify checkout of tag v1.0.0.
* Added a Travis CI file.

### v0.1.2 ([Source] | [Changes]

* Add NEWLIB_PATH so user can point to correct newlib headers.

### v0.1.1 ([Source] | [Changes]

* Updates to the README and crate metadata

### v0.1.0 ([Source]

* First version