nrf-softdevice 0.1.0

Rust interface to nRF SoftDevice
name = "nrf-softdevice"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Dario Nieuwenhuis <>"]
edition = "2021"
license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
description = "Rust interface to nRF SoftDevice"
repository = ""
categories = ["embedded", "hardware-support", "no-std"]
keywords = ["arm", "cortex-m", "nrf52", "nrf-softdevice"]


nrf52805 = ["nrf52805-pac"]
nrf52810 = ["nrf52810-pac"]
nrf52811 = ["nrf52811-pac"]
nrf52820 = ["nrf52820-pac"]
nrf52832 = ["nrf52832-pac"]
nrf52833 = ["nrf52833-pac"]
nrf52840 = ["nrf52840-pac"]

s112 = ["nrf-softdevice-s112"]
s113 = ["nrf-softdevice-s113"]
s122 = ["nrf-softdevice-s122"]
s132 = ["nrf-softdevice-s132"]
s140 = ["nrf-softdevice-s140"]

ble-rssi = []
ble-peripheral = []
ble-central = []
ble-l2cap = []
ble-gatt = []
ble-gatt-server = ["ble-gatt"]
ble-gatt-client = ["ble-gatt"]
ble-sec = []

critical-section-impl = ["critical-section/restore-state-bool"]

usable-from-interrupts = []

# Workaround l2cap credit bug. If set, infinite credits are issued
# to the peer in batches. The `credits` config when establishing the channel is ignored.
ble-l2cap-credit-workaround = []

evt-max-size-256 = []
evt-max-size-512 = []

defmt = { version = "0.3", optional = true }
log = { version = "0.4.11", optional = true }
critical-section = { version = "1.0", optional = true }

num_enum = { version = "0.7.0", default-features = false }
embassy-sync = { version = "0.5.0" }
embassy-futures = { version = "0.1.1" }
cortex-m = "0.7.2"
cortex-m-rt = ">=0.6.15,<0.8"
heapless = "0.8.0"
fixed = "1.5.0"
futures = { version = "0.3.17", default-features = false }
embedded-storage = "0.3.1"
embedded-storage-async = { version = "0.4.1" }

nrf52805-pac  = { version = "0.12.0", features = ["rt"], optional = true }
nrf52810-pac  = { version = "0.12.0", features = ["rt"], optional = true }
nrf52811-pac  = { version = "0.12.0", features = ["rt"], optional = true }
nrf52820-pac  = { version = "0.12.0", features = ["rt"], optional = true }
nrf52832-pac  = { version = "0.12.0", features = ["rt"], optional = true }
nrf52833-pac  = { version = "0.12.0", features = ["rt"], optional = true }
nrf52840-pac  = { version = "0.12.0", features = ["rt"], optional = true }

nrf-softdevice-s112 = { version = "0.1.1", path = "../nrf-softdevice-s112", optional = true }
nrf-softdevice-s113 = { version = "0.1.1", path = "../nrf-softdevice-s113", optional = true }
nrf-softdevice-s122 = { version = "0.1.1", path = "../nrf-softdevice-s122", optional = true }
nrf-softdevice-s132 = { version = "0.1.1", path = "../nrf-softdevice-s132", optional = true }
nrf-softdevice-s140 = { version = "0.1.1", path = "../nrf-softdevice-s140", optional = true }

nrf-softdevice-macro = { version = "0.1.0", path = "../nrf-softdevice-macro" }

targets = ["thumbv7em-none-eabi"]
features = ["nrf52840", "s140", "ble-central", "ble-peripheral", "ble-l2cap", "ble-gatt-server", "ble-gatt-client", "ble-rssi", "ble-sec"]
rustdoc-args = ["--cfg", "docsrs"]

src_base = "$VERSION/nrf-softdevice/src/"
src_base_git = "$COMMIT/nrf-softdevice/src/"
target = "thumbv7em-none-eabi"
flavors = [
    { name = "s112", features = ["nrf52832", "s112", "ble-peripheral", "ble-gatt-server", "ble-gatt-client", "ble-rssi", "ble-sec"] },
    { name = "s113", features = ["nrf52840", "s113", "ble-peripheral", "ble-l2cap", "ble-gatt-server", "ble-gatt-client", "ble-rssi", "ble-sec"] },
    { name = "s122", features = ["nrf52833", "s122", "ble-central", "ble-gatt-server", "ble-gatt-client", "ble-rssi"] },
    { name = "s132", features = ["nrf52832", "s132", "ble-central", "ble-peripheral", "ble-l2cap", "ble-gatt-server", "ble-gatt-client", "ble-rssi", "ble-sec"] },
    { name = "s140", features = ["nrf52840", "s140", "ble-central", "ble-peripheral", "ble-l2cap", "ble-gatt-server", "ble-gatt-client", "ble-rssi", "ble-sec"] },