notify 1.0.5

Cross-platform filesystem notification library
# Notify

_Cross-platform filesystem notification library for Rust._

## Install

notify = "1.2"

Notify uses semver, so only major versions break backward compatibility. While
Rust hasn't reached 1.0, compatibility breaks through language evolution are
ignored and counted as bugfixes; the compatibility is for this API only.

## Usage

extern crate notify;

use notify::{RecommendedWatcher, Error, Watcher};

fn main() {
  // Create a channel to receive the events.
  let (tx, rx) = channel();

  // Automatically select the best implementation for your platform.
  // You can also access each implementation directly e.g. PollWatcher.
  let mut w: Result<RecommendedWatcher, Error> = Watcher::new(tx);

  match w {
    Ok(mut watcher) => {
      // Add a path to be watched. All files and directories at that path and
      // below will be monitored for changes."/home/test/notify"));

      // You'll probably want to do that in a loop. The type to match for is
      // notify::Event, look at src/ for details.
      match rx.recv() {
        _ => println!("Recv.")
    Err(e) => println!("Error")

## Platforms

- Linux / Android: inotify
- All platforms: polling (only `op::WRITE`)

### Todo

- Windows: ReadDirectoryChangesW
- OS X: FSEvents
- BSD / OS X / iOS: kqueue
- Solaris 11: FEN

## Known Bugs

- inotify backend doesn't recurse properly (#2)
- polling backend only handles `op::WRITE`s
- see `TODO` comments in the code for more

## Origins

Inspired by Go's [fsnotify](, born out
of need for [cargo watch](, and general
frustration at the non-existence of C/Rust cross-platform notify libraries.

Written from scratch by [FĂ©lix Saparelli](, and released
in the Public Domain.