noted 1.0.0

Library for creating ELF notes
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

//! This crate implements a macro that defines ELF notes for communicating
//! information to the tooling that processes ELF notes.
//! Be sure to check out the [note section](
//! in the ELF specification.
//! # Example
//! ```
//! use noted::noted;
//! use goblin::Object;
//! const YYYYY: &str = "yyyyy";
//! const TWO: u32 = 2;
//! noted! {
//!     section = ".note.noted";
//!     static FOO<"xxxxxxxx", 1, [u8; 4]> = [1, 2, 3, 4];
//!     static BAR<YYYYY, TWO, u64> = 7;
//!     static BAZ<"zzz", 3, u32> = 8;
//! }
//! fn main() {
//!     // Load this binary
//!     let path = std::env::current_exe().unwrap();
//!     let buffer = std::fs::read(path).unwrap();
//!     let elf = match Object::parse(&buffer).unwrap() {
//!         Object::Elf(elf) => elf,
//!         _ => panic!("unsupported type"),
//!     };
//!     // Parse and sort the notes in the specified section
//!     let mut notes: Vec<_> = elf
//!         .iter_note_sections(&buffer, Some(".note.noted"))
//!         .unwrap()
//!         .map(|x| x.unwrap())
//!         .collect();
//!     notes.sort_unstable_by_key(|x| x.n_type);
//!     eprintln!("{:?}", notes);
//!     // Validate all the notes
//!     assert_eq!(3, notes.len());
//!     assert_eq!(notes[0].n_type, 1);
//!     assert_eq!(notes[1].n_type, TWO);
//!     assert_eq!(notes[2].n_type, 3);
//!     assert_eq!(notes[0].name, "xxxxxxxx");
//!     assert_eq!(notes[1].name, YYYYY);
//!     assert_eq!(notes[2].name, "zzz");
//!     assert_eq!(notes[0].desc, &[1, 2, 3, 4]);
//!     assert_eq!(notes[1].desc, &7u64.to_ne_bytes());
//!     assert_eq!(notes[2].desc, &8u32.to_ne_bytes());
//! }
//! ```


#[repr(C, packed(4))]
struct Packed<T>(T);

#[repr(C, align(4))]
struct Aligned<T>(T);

/// A note as defined in the ELF specification
/// You probably don't want this struct. The `noted!` macro should provide
/// everything you need.
/// An instance of this struct should be binary compatible with notes as
/// defined in the ELF specification. However, you MUST put this note in
/// an appropriate ELF section. For example, `#[link_section = ".note"]`.
#[repr(C, align(4))]
pub struct Note<T, const N: usize> {
    namesz: u32,
    descsz: u32,
    kind: u32,
    name: [u8; N],
    desc: Aligned<Packed<T>>,

impl<T, const N: usize> Note<T, N> {
    /// Creates a new `Note` instance.
    /// You probably don't want this function. The `noted!` macro should
    /// provide everything you need.
    /// Note that if insufficient name bytes (i.e. `N`) are provided, the
    /// name will be silently truncated. You should use the provided macro
    /// (see above) to avoid this problem.
    pub const fn new(name: &'static str, id: u32, desc: T) -> Self {
        let mut buf = [0u8; N];

        let mut i = 0;
        while i < N - 1 {
            buf[i] = name.as_bytes()[i];
            i += 1;

        Note {
            namesz: N as u32,
            descsz: core::mem::size_of::<T>() as u32,
            kind: id,
            name: buf,
            desc: Aligned(Packed(desc)),

/// A macro for creating ELF notes
/// See the module documentation for an example.
macro_rules! noted {
    (@internal $section:literal) => {};

        @internal $section:literal

        $vis:vis static $symb:ident<$name:expr, $type:expr, $kind:ty> = $desc:expr;

    ) => {
        #[link_section = $section]
        $vis static $symb: $crate::Note<$kind, {$name.len() + 1}> = $crate::Note::new($name, $type, $desc);

        noted! { @internal $section $($next)* }

    (section = $section:literal; $($next:tt)+) => {
        noted! { @internal $section $($next)+ }

    ($($next:tt)+) => {
        noted! { @internal ".note" $($next)+ }