notcurses 3.5.0

A high level Rust wrapper for the notcurses C library
[![MSRV: 1.65.0](](

A rusty wrapper over [notcurses][0], the most blingful TUI library.


## Example

use notcurses::*;

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let mut nc = Notcurses::new_cli()?;
    let mut cli = nc.cli_plane()?;
    cli.putstrln("\nhello world!")?;

## Status of the library

The current version is compatible with notcurses [`3.0.9`][tag].

*Current major version `3` is considered a development version*.

**Main differences with `libnotcurses-sys`:**
- Fully safe public API.
- Allocating types have the `Drop` trait implemented.
- Coordinates are used in the most common order: *x, y*.
- There is no *direct* mode, just use the *CLI* mode.
- The *standard* plane is now known as the *CLI* plane.
- The `*Options` structs are replaced by `*Builder`s.
