notcoal 0.2.0

Not charcoal filters, but notmuch ones.
# notcoal - notmuch filters, not made from (char)coal

`notcoal` provides both a library as well as a standalone binary. The latter
can be used as an "[initial tagging]("
system, the former may be integrated into a bigger e-mail client making use
of [notmuch-rs](

## What?

Takes [regex]( rules from a JSON file and
if any match, either adds new tags, removes tags or runs an arbitrary binaries
for further processing. Rules support AND as well as OR operations.

## Example

    "name": "money",
    "desc": "Money stuff",
    "rules": [
        {"from": "@(real\\.bank|gig-economy\\.career)",
         "subject": ["report", "month" ]},
        {"from": "no-reply@trusted\\.bank",
         "subject": "statement"}
    "op": {
        "add": "€£$",
        "rm": ["inbox", "unread"],
        "run": ["any-binary-in-our-path-or-absolute-path", "--argument"]

Here the matching expands to:
( from: ("" OR "") AND subject: ("report" AND "month") )
( from: "" AND subject: "statement" )

If if this filter is applied the operations will

* add the tag `€£$`
* remove the tags `inbox` and `unread`
* run the equivalent of `/bin/sh -c 'any-binary-in-our-path-or-absolute-path --argument'`
  with 3 additional environment variables:


Filters aren't only restricted to matching `from` and `subject` headers (all
of which are treated case-insensitive) but may try to match arbitrary headers.
Additionally there are the special fields `@tags`, `@path` and
(*not yet implemented*) `@body`.

The default `notcoal::filter` function loops through messages and then
tests/applies filters in the order they have been defined in. Hence, any tag
one wants to match on has to have been set by a previous matching rule.

## Standalone use for "initial tagging"

To build the standalone binary, run:

`cargo build --release --features=standalone`

The `notcoal` binary automatically extracts the location of the notmuch
database by reading `~/.notmuch-config`. The default location for rules is
`$maildir/.notmuch/hooks/notcoal-rules.json`. By default, it expects all newly
added messages (that are to be filtered) to have the `new` tag. To make sure
that's being set, edit the `.notmuch-config` to include:


See `notcoal --help` for supplying alternative values. However if you're fine
with the defaults, you can just symlink `$maildir/.notmuch/hooks/post-new` to

## Thanks

[vhdirk]( for `notmuch-rs`, which made this crate
possible in the first place, [antifuchs' gmail-britta](
for inspiring the name, and [Recurse Center](, for
hosting a supportive community 💟